Bollinger band trading with MAs

Try this one :slight_smile:

Iā€™m gonna take my +16pips and stop here I think. 5min has just wicked again and it was a counter trend trade after all. Maybe Iā€™ll eat my words in a few minutes :slight_smile:


Donā€™t know, its fallen so much Iā€™m tempted to just ride the 6/9 ma. Up a decent amount now so will move my stop to BE and leave it there for a while.

Ah I see. :slight_smile:

It rocked through that 1.45 areaā€¦major support.

Just got out in timeā€¦:smiley:

Entered short @1.6448ā€¦got out @1.6418 on 5m


Well iā€™m still long on GU from the break at 1.63. !5m starting to look good now so am going to stay in. Looks like might be a longer trade.

Hi everyone, I made 50 pips on the down move in the overnight period :slight_smile: maybe my first good trade? I hope it was more than just dumb luck! Robert you mentioned my strategy, Iā€™ll post more on that and some other Ideas later.
Need to go get a cup o coffe now and get ready for work. I think Iā€™ve learned my lesson not to try to trade on Friday at least not till I get better on the other days. Little under the weather this morning, later guys.

Iā€™m thinking of shorting the intraday resistance point here as price seems to be slowingā€¦itā€™s also the 14 red MA on the 1hr chart. Iā€™ll wait for a 5min MA crossover though because everything is still pointing upwards:

This may be of help to youā€¦

Only thing I would add to that is make sure to put boxes or grey out any of your account numbers and stuff when posting charts.

Hmm, not going anywhere fast at present and we have an ascending triangle on the 5min charts.

Iā€™d love to say I got 40 pips out of that trade but the fact is I didnā€™t like the price action and the ascending triangle on the 5min chart so I got out for a whopping +1pip ! :stuck_out_tongue: Yayyyyyyyyyyy. Dammit.

ļæ½ really dropped on the NY open today! Rightā€¦Iā€™m done - have a good weekend all.

R Carter

GU went full circle and a bit more. :smiley:

Watch the clock, too.:slight_smile:
And be patient.


Yes and it may yet bounce up to where it started. :confused:

What do reckon got a ā€˜Wā€™ forming on the low?

Bollinger looks pretty tight as well.

It looks like it. That 1h candle just changed color. It really might bounce. The 6 on 15m started to change direction and there are jicksaws on the 1h.

I reckon there is a pretty good chance for a bounce. We will see.

EDIT: GU just keeps dropping. :confused:


Hehe, Iā€™m a ā€˜glass is half fullā€™ kind of guy. :smiley:

Today took a - 15 hit with that infamous prediction. A + 53 on that big down. Then BE on that last up and down. So all things considered an Okā€™ish day. Hope you did well. :slight_smile:

R Carter

lol I like your sense of humor lol

I got myself +51 all together on the GU. Not bad for a friday.

I might call it quits for today.


[B]Good trading[/B]! A consistant average 20 pips a day with a starting balance of $1k with 1% bal trades will compound up an account in 300 days (a little longer with less) to over $200k. A big enough bal to net a cool $1m a year at 1% trades. :smiley:

If I ever figure it out Iā€™ll put up an excel sheet that you can use to track your progress based on the above. :wink:

R Carter

Thx. :slight_smile:

Interesting calculations. I gonna have a closer look at it later on.

I still wonder wether the GU will bounce, today. :confused:

I noticed when the 20 BB sits on 4h S&R and starts to change itā€™s direction more often than not price will follow. But [B]only[/B] the 4h S&R not on the lower time frames.

EDIT: Price will keep going I mean.