Bollinger band trading with MAs

I got a buy set with a break even stop at 1.42726. Let’s see how this turns out. Should be a retrace on both the GBP/USD and EUR/USD of some sorts leading up to the data release of UK GDP at 4:30am EST(GMT -5). After those movements you wont see me trading live much until after the first of the year. :slight_smile:

yep had my buy triggered so just gonna wait for it to go up now. stochs are about to cross into a long trend soon aswell

How big of a retrace are you expecting?

i set my TP the same as last time 1.4343 tho my res levels just changed so idk ill have to watch it im sure itll go up atleast 30 pips or so so i might just change it to a 30 pip TP


just changed my tp level to 1.4313 which is a strong pivot/reverse on my chart so well see what happens

also the stoch is just about to reverse to a long trend probly next candle

I’d be careful guys… as I said earlier I dont like the angle on the bolls. Plus daily TF support is anywhere from 1.4252 to 1.4219.

true currecntly down 15 pips tho at worst ill come out +31 for the day but well see what happens

I see where your coming from on the stochs though but which one to follow … the fast or slow. :slight_smile:

the 1H is oversold
the daily is oversold and has been for the last 8 days lol soooo price should go up soon but well see

Honestly, I’m not expecting a burst upward due to any of those indicators, US GDP data comes out at 8:30am EST(-5 GMT) and you can bet on it being as good as expected if not better, when that hits the wires you can bet on a further drop. The GBP/USD is going to be an even bigger dump because UK data is not going to be pretty, and that coupled with US data being good, you are going to see a drop of some sorts. I’m just looking for slight retraces prior to Euro open. I closed out my EUR/USD position at break even. Opened a buy at 1.60386 on GBP/USD. Going to see how this one turns out. :cool: EDIT: On second thought as dead/odd/weird as it’s been, like the “breakout” last night at London open, nothing might happen but more unpredictable range crap.

well 1h stoch reversed and price is now heading up and im in the green :smiley:

I’m in a GBP/USD sell at 1.60611 on the way down. :smiley:

thats good :stuck_out_tongue:

Anything north on EU or GU is a counter trend trade. :slight_smile:

ya i actually just got out of my EU didnt look like it was goin up so i got out at +1 :slight_smile:

Yep, a rouge’s gallery of center Bollingers pointing down. :slight_smile:

Looks like the center line on the 2 Hour, the top bollinger on the 1 Hour, and the pyschological barrier at 1.6100 halted that pretty firmly. In premature at 1.60865 with a sell, premature, but in. Looking for the drop. EDIT:
Came back worse than expected on Britian’s end, -1.0 was expected, came back -2.0. Now for the US in 4 hours. :slight_smile:

Considered a hedging position on the bouncing action on the 4 Hour’s bottom Bollinger line, but not enough congestion showing on the 15, 5, and 1 charts. EDIT: Crisp rejection off of the 16 Hour bottom bollinger. Also hitting the middle Bollinger on the 2 Week. Maybe hedge time. :slight_smile:

Next possible support on the daily TF chart on EU is 1.4219 on GU 1.5874.

I’m looking at the bottom bollinger on the Weekly and 3 Day. Got ABC television’s Consumer Confidence at 4:30. Might drive it on down. The dip at ten seems to have been Home Sales going up better than expected. :slight_smile:

LOL… Weekly and 3 day TF charts… so its fair to say your in Bear mode. :smiley: