Bollinger band trading with MAs

Mr Charter,
I think it is safe to trade longer time if you get the direction of the trade right from the onset than trading 5m or 15m.Also,you can trade just one or two trades in a week with only spread of 6pips while trading 5 times a day can enrich your broker with around 75 pips.You will still end up making bigger gains as well.In a nutshell,they trade longer time because of the stability.
Over to you,

Just noticed this.I will give it a try and see where it takes me.

Nice downward pip move off of that centerline on the EUR/USD Daily chart. 55+ pips, should have been more but I entered late. :slight_smile:

finally moved :mad: ive been trying to wake up early, despite my college vacation, and trade the NY session and lately its just been like blah and giving me no trades, but atleast now its finally going somewhere, made +28 pips off it round midnight last night :stuck_out_tongue:


300th post :stuck_out_tongue:

Good for you.I rarely have EUR/USD on chart.

When is the right or appropriate time to get out of Daily trading chart?

Just kissed the middle bollinger on the 12 Hour and thumped back up a bit. :slight_smile:

for me it just grazed the 1.4343 support so im guessing thats near the middle bollinger :stuck_out_tongue: its pretty cool how things happen like that


I thought German Unemployment numbers would be a “big deal market impact” release but I didn’t see any 8:55 gmt spikes and don’t even think the Oanda spreads increased… no fireworks :mad:

If you got in on the CHF/JPY when I posted then you should be up around 68 pips now. I think this trade will run longer and therefore am going to let it ride. Possible center line boll on the 20:2 daily and beyond but will see. But for now am happy that its broken the previous high… so all good. :slight_smile:

You know when to exit the trade on the daily when PA wicks on the decending in this case day candle and closes and new daily candle steps back into the 2:1 boll and changes colour to a positive/ long candle.

d-pip, it was a non event.

Options positioning suggests a USD rally 1st quarter of 2010.

March US Dollar calls, both in the NYBOT DX contract and other similar derivative Dollar contracts exceeds 500.000 by two players, alone.

The EURO will be the loser with Gold. GBP a closed second with AUD following. GBP would probably be trading back to 1.45 to a Dollar looking at the data.

So, any violation of technical key level in USDX on the downside will get the perception agency to work and they will place news prints accordingly.

Wait for the 1st quarter of 2010 opening bell this coming friday. NFP news print.

Never heard of him. :slight_smile:

Way to go! :smiley: If your placing 10 trades a day on the 5m & 15m youll give your broker 150 pips a week and he will love you for it… I’d be far happier for those to be added to my weekly total. Thats to say nothing of the losses trading on small TF charts. When you take a correct entry off the daily TF chart its more likely to last a good few days and be far more profitable in the long run. Glad you figured it out.

Keep an eye on NZD/USD daily TF its trending down on the monthly TF chart but has retraced to a key area and looks set to resume to short very soon. If it breaks tonight will enter short.

Mr Carter,
Thank you. I entered late but still up with 47pips.I am always looking forward to your daily trade as it has made life much easier for me.
Keep up the good work.

Thanks.I dont have NZD/USD chart up but i will quickly put it up in a moment.When do you think this drop is likely to happen?

My apologyfor asking this silly question.What is the importance of 63MA or 100MA in relation to BB on these charts? can we use these MAs to assess the overall direction of the PA in each chart or in combination with others or higher charts?

Not meant to be easier for you… it supposed to help you recognise the set up on the daily. :rolleyes:

What i meant is that someone shows you direction and ask you to figure it out is different from you looking for direction and figure it out.You know we live to learn and we learn to live.:smiley:

Just a few minutes ago Rich Bernstein, one of CNBC’s talking heads was also talking up USDX for 1st quarter. Wonder what teams the two big contract players are on? EUR zone and UK exporting manufactures can’t like high priced EUR and Cable either. And I guess the Chinese don’t like a too weak USD… So even before the Fed starts raising interest rate the world gets a stronger USD, and all is well! It’s interesting to see how the NFP is used to turn the whole ship in one spin. :slight_smile:

That’s interesting.
There seems to be a close coordination between western governments and financial media.

This whole thing called markets and currencies in particular is psychology-driven. If you talk it up long and hard “investors” start to believe the spin.

All what you need is the news prints to support the spin.

Wonder what teams the two big contract players are on?

One of them is Goldman Sachs. Their Prop desks. It means they are trading the call options for their own accounts.

The interesting part is there has been a cut in Goldman Sachs earning estimates for Q4. The news print came out today.

EUR zone and UK exporting manufactures can’t like high priced EUR and Cable either. And I guess the Chinese don’t like a too weak USD… So even before the Fed starts raising interest rate the world gets a stronger USD, and all is well!

That’s the idea behind it.

It’s interesting to see how the NFP is used to turn the whole ship in one spin. :slight_smile:

It started in dec 09, already. I expect continuation for the next three month.

I am thinking of playing call options myself and play the TA key levels seperate with GBP, EUR and AUD. Combined with some sort of breakout play. I am not sure, yet.

It seems i am getting the set up now. I am already short on NZD/USD 18 pips up.Am i in the right tract?

Well I think so (I’m in) and still in on this mornings break of CHF/JPY.