Bollinger band trading with MAs

Yep, tugboats all getting lined up and ready for the move! Even ready to throw Greece under the bus! I also heard some grumbling about the UK Prime Minister getting the boot, (or maybe it’s the Finance Minister?) any way it = bad for GBP? Interesting to see how they roll the news out and change the market sentiment!

I’ve been trying to make things simple and trade with naked charts, nothing but price candles. I’ve been doing okay with the hourly & 15m but yesterday & today I tried just the 5m & 1m and got my a$$ kicked! :mad: I should have gone to the casino, at least there when I lose money they give me free drinks. So I better get my “naked trading” act together by next week or I’ll be getting the boot along with the PM… :slight_smile:

Hehe… Black Jacks my thing, and your right about the free drinks dont get them trading FX. :smiley: Odds on a ‘Hung Parliament’ then watch Sterling fall through the floor! :smiley:

:smiley: lower than 1.45?

They can blame it on Iceland then. Don’t want to compensate for RBS losses. Iceland gov. told the UK to get lost. :smiley:

Dont think the Diplamats put it in quite those terms. :smiley: But everyone in the UK with an account of £50k and under got compensated £ for £ lost… poor souls. :D:D

That’s what was said.

[I]“I have decided, according to Article 26 of the Constitution, to refer this new Act to the people,” he said. “The involvement of the whole nation in the final decision is therefore the prerequisite for a successful solution, reconciliation and recovery.”[/I]

And that was the UK gov. reply.

[I]“The UK government expects Iceland to live up to its obligations.”[/I]

You read between the lines. :smiley:

But everyone in the UK with an account of £50k and under got compensated £ for £ lost… poor souls.

I didn’t know that. When did that happen?

Very shortly after the news hit the wires that Iceland was bankrupt! Western governments these days are very media savvy… but youve already covered that. :smiley:

There needs to be a trigger to get this moving.
High impact news prints like NFP are ideal for this.
We will see.

But it looks like you could well be right regarding the longer term USD prospects as USD Index as log scale is around 78… could it get any lower? :slight_smile:

I can’t see going any lower and the information I collected confirms that.
I give USDX long a shot.
I got my trading plan and risk management laid down for this play and if it works out there will be a pile of cash coming my way.
It is not my bread and butter set-up, I use momentum plays for that.
So this will be extra cash if the market decides to take off with my cash in the right direction.

Love your disclaimer… only in the US. :smiley:

:smiley: Cover your backside at all times. :smiley:

Got a decent hedge going on EUR/USD. Shorted in at 1.44191, which was a very late short based on the bounce down off of the middle line bollinger on the Day chart, and a buy based on the bottom bollinger on the 4 Hour chart at 1.43172. I’m expecting a move upward off of the bottom line back up to the middle line, then back down to the bottom line on the 12 Hour chart. US data for NFP should be as expected or worse. :slight_smile:


[B]Yes :smiley: [/B] I’m thinking the 4H and daily AUD/USD are looking interesting. I don’t usually trade AUD/USD but today I took a “[I]very very small bite”. [/I]Don’t know if it will workout but if it starts heading south could turn into a good run.

make some beer money for St Patty’s day!

   Always remember the gold factor though. :)

There is more then NFP coming.

The ECB is going to give a press conference to announce their decision what they are going to do about Greece.

We just don’t know when that news print will hit the wire.
It could be later today, tomorrow, over the weekend or the coming week.

France is doing it’s EURO jawboning, already.
Germany will be next followed by the rest of the crowd.

This FOREX ship will move, soon. :smiley:

[B]Right! [/B]
edit: make some beer money and a little pot of gold for St Patty’s day! :slight_smile:

Mhmmm, testing the waters. :slight_smile:

If you keep it going watch it when it goes into Sydney session because of increased order flow.

If you take an ATR print of previous Sydney sessions you will see what I mean.

make some beer money for St Patty’s day!


Oh yeah, I took a look and see some good wicky bars around 19:00 est - 00:00 gmt.

Is GU about to go south?

It is not only Greece that is having difficulty to pay its bills,others laggards in the European Union are also suffering too.They are four in number and we call them piigs, [B]P[/B]ortugal,[B]I[/B]reland,[B]I[/B]taly,[B]G[/B]reece,and [B]S[/B]pain.
Expect asymmeetric recovery in Europe if ECB increases intererest rates as being proposed because things are going to get pretty difficult for the piigs.

There has been economic improvements around Germany,France,and other Northern European countries.But the fact is that others are still lagging behind.

Just my critical observation.


Thank you for this.Here is what i mean.
Thank for instance.
The signal of 20:2 and 3/6LWMA of the BB on 5m and 15m.Enter when the candle wicks outside bb and wait for the confirmation by the next candle changing color and trade toward the center of the BB.
I notice that even as good as this system may be,i can count several instances where all these stuffs will be met and still the trade will change against you.
That is all what i am talking about.
Over to you.

Wait until the Asian but I would think the reverse. :slight_smile:

Looks a tight range… 1.5900 - 1.5974.

I’m guessing it’s going North also…at least for a bit.

Mr Carter,
You mean this is the range to look out for or what? It seems i dont get what you are trying to say here.