Bollinger band trading with MAs

Well I should make it clear I dont trade the Asian as I’m not an Owl… Asian kicks off 01:00 GMT. :stuck_out_tongue:

But my set up suggests the range is as already posted (will post an update if that helps at said time but after that its over to you). The big round numbers are often a psychological barrier… take a look at GU on the daily. But consider this… its a counter trend trade. Better pickings on the JPY crosses.

USD/JPY is looking over bought.


Part of the earlier posted conversation about the NFP release, direction of the USDX, and trashing the pound was more of a long-term thing, over the next quarter. Sorry if we gave you the wrong impression. Right now EU GU & AU all look like their hiding way down in the basement and north might be the “likely” next move or on the other hand… who the heck knows…:confused:

No poblem.
Please understand that I will not do the thinking and work for you.

I notice that even as good as this system may be,i can count several instances where all these stuffs will be met and still the trade will change against you.

That is not a system.
All you have here is one small component of a system.
This small component you have here is your signal and confirmation on two sub hourly timeframes that do not give you any overall picture of direction of price.
They are merely timing triggers at best.

The higher up the timeframe scale you go, the more time youll have to properly and better assess what is going on with direction of price.

That is what you [B][U]need[/U][/B] to know.
Because it enables you to trade the least path of resistance increasing the probability of the market taking off with your cash in your chosen direction.

When you open your trading package every day you should ask yourself the same old questions and look for the answers starting at the higher timeframes and drilling down one by one to your time frame of choice.

What is the current trading conditions do you find yourself operating under?

Where is the next possible upside supply area and where is the next possible downside demand area?

What am I looking for when price gets there?

When it gets there am I going to need to see some specific price action to alert me for my preferred timing triggers?

timing triggers=your signal and confirmation on sub hourly timeframe.

That should give you plenty to think about and to practice.

Trade management structure deals with what you do [B]after[/B] you pulled the trigger to [B][U]minimize loss and maximize profit.[/U][/B]

Things like:

incremental S/L movements
manual S/L movements
trailing stop movement if applicable
TP areas
minimum acceptable performance MAP
and so forth

OK trader1000 as promised… heres my take.

USD/JPY down on the night. GBP up but not exceeding 1.5988. :wink: Should also add thats my take on tomorrows high to the pip! Will see whos going to eat humble pie… just kidding…[B] Used [/B]does seem to relish the idea of my crashing and burning. :D:D

We can be Heroes
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
We’re nothing
And nothing will help us
Maybe we’re lying
Then you better not stay
But we could be safer
Just for one day

Heroes - David Bowie

“Employment figures tomorrow to be skewed higher than should be by seasonal factors”

Shadow Government Statistics - Home Page


I’ll look forward to it… ‘Just for one day’. :smiley:

Sorry bout that d-pip. I’m actually on vacation, checked the markets (and this thread) and didn’t catch all of the latest comments. Serves me right for trading on vacation. Tend to agree with you. Had to go long on the daily tonight…at least try and get a few pips.

Going to be a peppy day tomorrow for EUR/USD. Euro GDP and Unemployment then US NFP/Unemployment. My guess is upward. EDIT: Even though I was wrong and Euro data came back less than expected I still ended up ahead due to proper hedging technique. :slight_smile:

USD/JPY ya about 5.5 hours ago (from this post) it hit an “extremely overbought” resistance level while stochs were borderline overbought and MACD (histogram - showing momentum) was WAY above zero so looking at those combinations (resistance level, stoch and MACD) price was (at that time and still kinda is) definitely overbought, actually if i was home, and assuming i traded that pair, that would have been a perfect trade for me and id be nearing my 80 pip TP.

  • its important i match what i see with what someone who has 30 years of experience sees :stuck_out_tongue:

now GBP/USD im seein a range of 1.5900-1.5961 (also ive noticed that different brokers can have very different price ranges tho not something completely out of line like 1.5900 vs. 1.5800 but ive seen some that were 50ish pips off from eachother) anyways stoch is showing down and MACD is showing a weakening down trend so id be looking for price to go up. how far, well idk ask R Carter he seems to know everything lol but id say 1.5991 is the highest it’d go, 1.5961 is a minor resistance but idk if it’ll hold BUT well see

btw hope y’all (im texan now i gotta say it) had fun trading cuz i went snowboardin today

EUR/USD just ran up from the bottom bollinger on the 4/1 Hour and stopped at the top Bollinger on the 1 Hour. Closed my buy looking to get back in at a lower level and hedge again. I’d hoped for a run up to the middle line on the 4 Hour, but no. :slight_smile:

[B]At least you picked the right direction this time! LOL![/B]

The up move on GBP this morning through me… a bit like the feeling you get when you’re at the pony races and the horse you “[B]almost”[/B] bet takes a big leak as it’s being walked to the starting gate :confused:

Euro data wasn’t too keen this time, even the German data was a bit lower than expected. I’d like to see a run down to the bottom of the 4 Hour or 12 Hour so I can hedge in again before NFP data hits the wires. Up 117+ pips though. :slight_smile:

Your short EUR and looking to hedge long, do I have that right? And do you hedge 100% or just a portion of your position?

Robert, you mentioned a private message, I didn’t get it, thought I’d remind you in case it was important. :slight_smile:

Dont remember sending one unless it was a repy to a PM sent to me… so couldnt have been important. :slight_smile:

As stated the Asian session is not my time as kicks off 01:00 GMT. :slight_smile: I trade the daily over a longer peroid and therfore doesnt matter to me what it does in the bigger picture.

Used, I think you were on vacation when I first posted this. Somewhat important question I feel. :slight_smile:

Makes sense. I didn’t send one. May have got me mixed up with someone else. :slight_smile:

All your enthusiasm trading the daily has sparked my interest in the time frame, So yesterday I took a AU short off the daily at .9176. My entry is probably early and still a bit of a gamble. If it closes today in the red I’ll ride it through the weekend and see were it goes next week.

[I]What do you suggest doing when the banks your broker deals with engage in weekend trading?[/I]

How do you know that it is happening?

Does your 1h chart include [B]all weekend hours[/B]?
And if it does what does it show you?

We’'ll take it from there.

[I]Last time I tried to set up S & R weekend trading threw off my lines.[/I]

Daily S&R?
Weekly S&R?
What timeframe printed the HLC you took to calculate your S&R?