Bollinger band trading with MAs

Linear regression lines/channels and linear regression moving averages are all different. RC is using linear regression moving averages, I think JohnnyBsmarter is using Linear regression lines and channels. So be carefully not to mix RC’s apples with JohnnyBS’s oranges! :confused:

Thanx.I think RC is using LWMA while Johnny is using LRC and LRL.But i do see some of RC’s charts with LRC and LRL as well.That is why i am a bit confused.

I should make it clear that I prefer to trade the daily candle. It gives good pips. But on Sunday evening I changed down to 4h due to low valatility. I dont trade the Asian due to the time difference but would imagine the 1h or 4h would be useful?

Basically you look for a trade towards the center of the tunnel when 1) PA is outside the 4 LWMA. Ideally also when the 2 LWMA is also outside the 4 LWMA. Take a look at EU on the 4h chart over the last 18 or so 4h candles. When PA has stepped outside both 2 & 4 LWMA and starts to wick or wicks back to the 2 or 4 LWMA take the trade. Most times a 30 SL will cover it. I use a green 2 high/ low LWMA (fast) and a red 4 high/ low LWMA (slow).

See right hand attached chart. Might need to expand to 200-500%

wicks are pips

[QUOTE=Headmaster111;165257][B]Ideally also when the 2 LWMA is also outside the 4 LWMA[/B].
Thanx.I can now differentiate between your LWMA and Johnny’s LRC and LRL now.
I will work on both to finetune my trading system.
"Ideally also when 2 LWMA is also outside the 4 LWMA"
In that quoate above,you meant to say that “when 2 LWMA is also outside PA.” Is that correct?

Nope I meant what I said. An optimal trade is when PA wicks outside of both the 2 & 4 LWMA High/ Low.

Any opinions on the chatroom people?
If most prefer just to carry on using the forum then that’s fine…just let me know and I can close it down. There’s always the BB forum above, just an idea…

I like it I think the site you put together is quite good. if its not a lot of work or money for you I would like to give it some more time to see if more people use it. we all are online at different times so its kinda hit or miss if anyone is online when I check it.

SM, I’d been on the BP chat room here, as I was learning the nuances of Ruilimia’s MMTT system. Feeling better about that now and I also incorporate what we’ve learned in this thread as part of my strategy, particularly for when to exit trades. Just thought today I should start having both chat rooms open, starting tomorrow.

I am trying to be on during London/NY overlap, if I can just get used to waking up early everyday. :wink:

The other thing I’d like to do, which may not be of interest to everyone, is to get everyone sharing our Skype accounts so we can also post charts and use voice chat if we want. But I may be the only person up for that.

Voice would certainly add another dimension but would SM and I understand you guys and vice versa? :D:D:D

R Carter,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have a strong suspicion that your doc files are corrupted with a virus. Downloading files in a windows\ word.doc file is dangerous for the rest of us wanting to view your charts. Downloading in a picture format is much safer.

I suggest you do a search on your computer for a file cftmon.exe. The file is suppose to be in the system32 directory. If you find the file in the windows\prefetch directory then you need to erase it as it is a virus. Unforetunately this doesn’t always get rid of it and a complete redo of your hard disk is the only way to get rid of the virus.

This virus records all of your key strokes and loads up your internet cache slowing your machine down to a crawl.

Another virus is a file autoejcd.exe that will destroy your files. You need to search for this as well and delete.

The bad news is that these always manage to circumvent the anti-virus software. If you are having internet problems these two viruses are the cause. I found both of these in my internet temp files and the only recent download was your doc file.

If your system is the source of either virus please let me know.


Personally, I just don’t have the time for voice chat at present with all the other stuff I do. There are a number of freebie collaboration platforms you can use to upload charts at the same time as draw on them but it’s a bit of work to look after, which is why I opted for a simple upload forum/blog on that site. You have this thread as well. I can send the free collab. platforms in a PM if you want.

Have you scanned his doc file? I have downloaded them without any issues, my AV is set to scan any downloads before opening them.
AV software should pick up those files. If there is anything wrong, simply deleting files won’t usually do the job. Better to leave it to McAfee or Comodo or Avira, etc…or use the tech support forum for how to remove anything.

Here is a good bit of kit for capturing photos: ScreenPrint32 3.1 - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET

I like the chat, and voice sounds interesting too, but yall might have as much trouble with my southern accent as Roberts kings English :smiley:
Same problem for me though, I’m home and online during the Asian session. Asleep or at work… or both lol during London and NY. So hit n miss catching me on the chat room
I do like the idea of live collaboration though, I think a lot could be learned that way.

I don’t think RCarter’s doc files have a virus, I’ve downloaded them without problem and I use AVG antivirus.

Edit: I’m in the chat room right now if anyone happens to drop in

I have a pretty robust multi package anti virus combo and multi computer set up i.e. all internet first goes through one computer and firewall and virus software. Only then does it make the second computer with additional protection. Not in anyway a tech type but has been set up by one. :slight_smile:

Edit: Dont know my ass from my elbow about this stuff but understand if anything did get through it would currupt or crash the first computer. But there are some pretty big players in this thread who know this stuff way better than me! :smiley:

"The cftmon.exe process is a component used in MsOffice to perform language related functions. It is closely tied to the ‘Language Bar’ present in MsOffice, so if you use the Language Bar you should leave this process running. If, on the other hand, you do not use the language bar, you should terminate this process to free up system resources.

cftmon.exe is an application that does NOT appear to be a security risk

The Process Server database currently registers cftmon.exe to Microsoft.

[B]This is part of Microsoft Office.[/B]"

Anyways back to the ‘meat and potatoes’… dont worry I wont post a chart. :smiley:

Looks like PA is going to go north on EU on the Asian. Bottomed out on the monthly, weekly, daily.

lol, just closed my long off the 4h bounce at +18, maybe ill re-enter if it touches again

I’m a daily chartist… I make no apologies. :smiley: You in for a few pips or the bigger picture. :wink:

its all your fault! lol JK i think i missed another re-entry off the 4H too while i was reading something :stuck_out_tongue: figures lol ohwell 18+ is better then nothing ill just wait for the next setup:D