Bollinger band trading with MAs

Thanx.I am honour to have two experienced traders to work with.I am very much interested in your system.I will have to print this out as well and study it well to see how far it takes me.I may have some questions for you,then, regarding this system.
I know a bit about RC’s strategy but it seems i dont have the time to trade it at the apt time where the volume of trade is high(London-Newyork) because of the nature of my job(i work in a consulting firm).
For your pespective as experienced trader,what hour will you suggest for trading as i will be on vacation from Feb 1 to trade 24hrs?


Thanx.I guess i misread it then and still i have not got this clear.Are you saying when PA wicks outside of both 2 and 4 LWMA at the same time?
Sorry for bothering you about this.I like to get things clear in my head to avoid confusion.

what i dont get any credit :mad:? sheesh lol JK might wanna look at E/U if you havnt already :stuck_out_tongue:

Not saying your strat is wrong… its entirely dependant on your TF and strat. Just saying I’m a daily TF chartist and on my timeframe I see an up. 290 pips since Monday. :slight_smile:

ya ya ya we get it you make tooooo many pips, so maybe you should start sharing some? if you decide to im first on the list!:smiley:

Do you think the center boll on the monthly will hold? looks to me like its moving down at a good clip also it never made it to the upper boll. On the daily the bolls are expanding makes me think its going to continue down. That said for the short term next few hrs might see a small bounce up as the resistance of all the lower time frame bolls is encountered.

hows that for a guy that trades off the 5 min:D

here is the monthly

For some unknown reason it seems that JohnnyBS is regurgitating some of Mike Parker’s “Linear Regression Channel Methods" on a thread titled [I]Bollinger Band Trading with Moving Averages… [/I] Why??? :confused:

If you want to learn more about Linear Regression Channels take a look at Mike’s old thread.

Obviously comming across as a smart ass… not my intention. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just dont trade the background noise but the longer signals with less risk re account balance. Much harder to predict the smaller moves but easier to predict the larger moves. Counter intuitive but true.

nah i knew what you meant i just have my sense of humor sometimes :smiley:

Didnt figure you as a stand up guy… I stand corrected! :D:D:D

Thanx.It seems i am only looking at this thread and there seems to be other threads in this forum that are really interesting.I will look at it with much interest.

Yeah. I am looking at it now.I hope to get some pips today.It seems people here just want one another to succeed and i am happy with the level of help i have got.I am here to stay.

I am going to share an analogy I play in my head when I am looking at charts with BBs. I have slept all of 3 hrs in the last 2 days so you guys can laugh if you want:p.

I imagine a car a driver and a road, in the drivers hand is a big spring. the spring is drawing the price on my chart. I may be trading the bounces at the end of the spring but I like to know if the drivers hand is steady, the road is bumpy and if the car is driving up or down a hill. I know that sounds a little ridiculous but I really do play that out in my head as I move up and down the time frames looking for an opportunity. I try and find a point the spring just stretched down to the floor, the car is at the bottom of a hill and the tires just dropped in a pot hole.

Stupid as that sounds it helps me focus. I haven’t made the 290 pips RCarter has but I am up almost 150 this week;) on trades ranging from 3 pip scalps to 30 to 40 pip boll bounces.

BTW the lack of sleep had nothing to do with trading.

I’m in long, but Shr1k’s chart makes me wonder about the longer down

lol, you are quite a character r carter:p

That was my point. Typing in these threads is great, but there are times a difficult question that seems intractable here can be answered in just 20 or 30 seconds of conversation if we had voice coms.

It would be wild to have the big hitters here all in one place over the space of a few hours during the peak hours of a trading day.

I’m getting a lot of that with Ruilima every day now in the BP chat room. He and I, along with several others, are getting used to talking our way through the trading day and it has been eye-opening. Some things are just overlooked in these brief forum posts.

And it isn’t all incessant yapping, either. It is often quite for long stretches while we trade or do other things on our comps while open trades run or we wait for setups to occur. I was thinking of voice chat as a standby, so people could talk a strategy if they felt like it or keep to themselves if they wished. Certainly we wouldn’t want so much conversation, typed or otherwise, to become a distraction.

But I have found trading with others to be refreshingly enjoyable and I have made real improvements.

R Carter,

I really don’t need computer lessons but thanks anyway. My department was in charge of trainning for many years before I got tired of management and opted to start my own company. My son is a computer science major studying for his Masters and I use his superior knowledge of the subject when I need help. Ten years ago it was the other way around but I’ve got better things to do today. My three adult children have all earned multiple degrees but still call me on math, business and investment questions.

The file ctfmon.exe should only exist once in windows and the windows version is safe. The virus attaches itself to Microsoft office files under the disguise of ctfmon.exe. It does not overright the original file but places it in another directory. This is why many anti-virus programs do not recognize it as a virus. It will hog your memory and download your keystrokes over the internet.

If you are not having any computer problems then you obviously don’t have the problem. This file is finding its way around on Babypips according to some of the users. You did mention a while back you were having internet problems. I found this virus on a temporary internet file after changing anti-virus programs. The date of the download was 1/26/2010 with your file being the only download. I luckly installed the new program the same day.

Just trying to warn people before they have problems,


down the hill on the 1 hr
bumpy rd on the 15 min
pot hole on the 5 min
very lowest red line is my entry
(daily also is oversold)

this is hr chart

15 min

5 min

i hope you going long shaggy :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm… long?

That’s a mighty pretty bearish flag on the 4 hour chart.