Bollinger band trading with MAs


Oh my that sounds like I was coming periously close to the text book definition of an FX ‘[I][B]Analyst[/B][/I]’. :o Big on stating the blindingly obvious but short on detail. :smiley:

yeah see what you get for hanging around with those anaylists? hehe!

That reminds me of a lecture I was in once at university. The professor was summing up a few things and talking about analysis. He put it up as a sub heading on the whiteboard and accidentally abbreviated it to anal.
I don’t think any of us did any work for the rest of the lecture, we were all too busy sniggering at the back of the class :smiley:

my job title includes the word analyst but I take no offense. Actually as computer programmers, we refer to ourselves as ‘code slingers’


Hmmm… every time I try and fix my home computer, I would refer to myself as a ‘code breaker’ and not the GCHQ or NSA type! :smiley:

I suppose we best get back on topic as another trading week is almost upon us.

I heard somewhere that GU is supposed to hit 1.39 over the next six months. :confused: Obviously way way outside of our shorter time charts but the way its been falling lately?

Support if thats the right word these days is around 1.6184 on the 4h chart. So what do we see happening tonight/ tomorrow guys. :slight_smile:

Higher level trend view: on the Daily chart chart, we have a big H&S pattern, it’s on the 200 and 100MAs but there’s a bit of space to fall to the bottom of the bollinger.
4hrs: right on the edge of the bollinger so, pretty oversold, maybe a little retrace up to the central bollinger and then back down again testing the support line you mentioned. We’ve gone below all the longer terms MAs on the 4hr charts (50,100,200) - I only look at these as a guideline, they have nothing to do with the strategy as such. Notice also the break of the H&S/trendline on the 4hr so price might retest that line?

Always difficult to tell from big Friday moves and will await Monday morning I guess but 1hr looks largely oversold as well.

Well that was a nice bounce on the 5m, picked up 30 pips on the 6/9/14 LWMA. :slight_smile: A tightening of the bollinger band signifying a likely break out then all ma’s lining up and place the trade.

Did anyone take the bounce off the weekly S1?

I sat and watched it good for at least 40 pips.

I am siting on my hands tonight watching as per my plan.


where did you enter and exit that trade? what time, what price?


As the bollinger gets squeezed expect a break out. Wait until the ma’s line up and enter. Last trade entered the long at 1.6214 and out at 30 pips.

Waited until same again and enterd a short at 1.6250. Easy huh? Currently still in trade up 20.8

I caught part of that short trade too, I sold at about 1.6420 so didn’t get as much as you. Late again as usual :stuck_out_tongue:

What confuses me is you said bollinger is squeezed but it looked to me like it was really wide when you entered long at 6214 :confused:


The last up and current down. This works well during slow time i.e Out of London - New York hours.

5m chart, its narrow or squeezed. :slight_smile:

Here is a picture of my 5m chart. Blue circle is where you went long? I can see going long there, but the narrow part of the bollinger is earlier before the down move about 19:00 gmt.

what time candle did you enter short at 1.6250 ?


The last down trade looks similar re bollinger but the previous up trade bollinger looks nothing like yours :confused: On that previous up trade my lower bollinger band was at 1.6206. Centre at 1.6214 and upper at 1.6222. Bollinger set to 20 period, 2 std deviations on FXCM account.


Entered 18:30 EST.

R Carter

My m5 chart looks like TalonD’s
Upper Band @ 1.6275 Mid Band @ 1.6237 Lower Band @ 1.6194


Just emailed a screenshot to TALOND (mike) for comparison with his charts. As your both on US time (04:10 here) I’ll leave it for you to two sort out? :D:D

I have a gap in my 5m data, I think I may be missing data from IBFX.

quote from another thread, I thought it was funny so sharing it here…

all the “success stories” you hear about on forums, blogs and other sources are either fakers, bank/broker employee’s or other kind of “shady” people.

so y’all are shady people huh? LOL