Bollinger band trading with MAs


Me shady? :eek:

Would shady explain where he took the last two trades and why. :smiley: Canā€™t say fairer than that. Exited that last trade at almost exactly 100 pips! Thats me done for the day even before the start of today hehe. :smiley:

If your not seeing the same bollinger bands as meā€¦ you need a less shady broker. :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™m certainly not plugging FXCM here. But if your not getting the same bollingers as me perhaps setting up a demo account with them simply for comparison with your preferred broker might be in order? Then if the bollinger is off like you both say it is on your charts at least you can hit your broker with some interesting questions. Iā€™m no ā€˜techieā€™ and canā€™t even suggest why our chart bollingers differ on the same time charts and BB settings. :confused:

You using MetatTrader? Just press F5 on the chart to refresh all the data.
orā€¦right click refresh should load new data.


Under normal cercumstances I wouldnā€™t hesitate to suggest thisā€¦ but it looks like we might finally have that elusive support level??? :slight_smile:

Yes, does look like it with maybe a LONG from here? But - thereā€™s that strong down channel (orange lines on the 1hr) on the chart as well. Iā€™m sure a retrace is due but who knowsā€¦ :slight_smile:
The 1hr chart shows a spike through the support level.

R Carter

I wouldnā€™t bet on it. :smiley:

I donā€™t like that spike @[B]1.613[/B].

And I donā€™t like the PA angle. :smiley:


Yes the 4h chart is also showing a nice wick. :slight_smile:

But the 5min is still bouncing up and down with flat bollinger and price has bounced down off the 21MA on the 15min, which might mean continuation. Hmm. The danger I guess is that when price makes long wicked candles on support lines and then does not bounce strongly in the opposite direction, it usually just means a load of stops have been hit.


My Sat Nav/GPS says ā€˜bare right/leftā€™ when giving directions. Looks like we got ā€˜bears to the left of me bears to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with youā€™. Sorry song just popped into my headā€¦ couldnā€™t resist it! :smiley:

expect a breakout eh? sounds familiar! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry, couldnā€™t resist!


I made 100 pips on that short. Closed out at 07:30 GMT. :smiley:

Oh ye of little faith. Looks to me that support is holding at the moment. I am looking to the 15m chart for the maā€™s to line up for a long.

I think if we can clear the 0830 high on the 15min chart, Iā€™ll hang on to this trade otherwise Iā€™m just going to play the 5min bounce game.


Probably wise as price on the 15m chart hasnā€™t yet cleared the down channel but getting close. :slight_smile: Bollingers are closing in antisipation.

Iā€™ve just entered a long at 1.6173. Ever the optimist. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m going to give FXCM a try. Hereā€™s a pic of my 5m lastnight with the missing data. or was there really a gap in prices ?

little faith ? no, but had to get some sleep, and not going to leave a trade unattended again. Learned that lesson.

No, thatā€™s the Sunday gap - thatā€™s normal.
At 18:40 on Friday though you have a sudden down move - I donā€™t have that on my charts.

Stopped out on that last one at breakeven but price looks to have bounced again so Iā€™m taking a long again at 1.6170. Ideally I would have got in a bit lower on the 5min bounce but computer crashed.



Well thats a triple test of support so far and it seems to be holding. Looks like youā€™ve made some pips so far taking the 5m BB bounce trades! :slight_smile:

My stop on that long is set to just below the first test of support on that overnight down. As I made my pips on that down, Iā€™ll stay long. Currently - 7.6 pips.


NY to open soon. :smiley:

Nah, theyā€™re all gamblers over there :slight_smile:
They all went short on Friday and are going to close out their trades for profit initiating buys :slight_smile:
I wishā€¦

So, you think it risky to have a trade open just before start of NY?