Bollinger band trading with MAs

Sounds good, will continue my trading on monday :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello Robert,

Lighten up Robert. First of all Robert I used your exact words and turned them towards you, consider us even. The “Horse and Buggy” post has been deleted BTW. Read my post with a sense of humor no attack intended. The things you don’t like are the quotes from other Professionals and your obvious sudden aversion to trading less then the Daily. It doesn’t seem that long ago you were trading way below the Daily. If you don’t remember and suffer from a little dementia, please review your past posts. Why was it a revelation for you to trade below the Daily and now a curse for everybody else. I damn well wouldn’t be telling a newbie to trade the Daily unless you’re on a kill the newbies quest.

I jousted with San Miguel while you were gone. Very intelligent trader that San Miguel but like you has to be prodded a bit to get the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the hows and whys of his trades. The biggest difference he doesn’t attack and talk down to the person making the post.

You both trade your methods without a lot of thought and are both very successful but these newbies don’t have the same knowledge as you professional traders nor the big bank accounts. Your method with you in the drivers seat runs around the race track just fine and you always manage to win the race. The newies might win a race or two but are destined to crash because something’s missing in your posts.

My analysis of your method was just me looking though the eyes of a newbie and forgetting my experience. Your method to determine trend reversal I believe was an attempt to quantify how you identify the trend. The fact that the method does not work doesn’t say you’re misreading the trend but just your explanation of how you read the trend is wrong.

Let’s get real with this trend thing Robert, determining the trend is not all that difficult. A simple moving average will show trend. If I jump on the Daily I can see which direction it’s going but the question is when will it end it’s run in that direction. A simple Bols and/or LRC will give you that.

Looking at the monthly is quite a stretch and your method has a very low percentage of success as to the true monthly trend. Knowing the monthly trend is up or down has no bearing whatsoever to what’s happening now. I’d rather have San Miguel’s expertise in the fundamentals which will tell me the correct direction 100% of the time. Your moving average of one will only show me the daily movement anyway and not the monthly trend so it’s a complete waste of time. You may impress the newbies with this gimmick but get real Robert not all of us are newbies here.

As far as me attacking the governments latest decisions, please comment on the one you disagree with. You on the other hand attack me without trying to understand how I trade. Your comments are with an “I know because I’m a professional” should never come into an analysis of your method. You must expect some counter punching Robert if you are going to make comments like those. Quit hiding behind this vail of I’m a professional trader bullcrap. Either the method works or it doesn’t, period. If you really are a professional then start acting like the real deal.

You seemed to be really upset with the $2000 stoploss statement which is 200 pips which most people can calculate in their head. It’s not that difficult Robert, just divide by a factor of 10. The stoploss setting doesn’t have anything to do with how many contracts I’m trading. Why would I be commenting on stoploss settings and multiple contracts all at the same time? Quit confusing the issue here and answer the questions. I’m talking about one standard contract just like everybody else in the real world on all the threads I’ve ever read except a “How to trade the Minis thread”. COLOR=“DeepSkyBlue”]Please tell us again where you set your stoploss.

Your statement and I quote As I stated it could be 10 pips with a big bal account and large lot size… What the Sam Hill is that Robert? So you’re saying you now set your stoploss at 10 pips because of your large bank account. Does this translate to a smaller stoploss for the newbies with small bank accounts? This is a guarenteed recipe for losing your ass on the Daily. What happened to your 200 pips catastropic stoploss just last month? Did you lose it? You need an education on stoploss settings and the reason for using a stoploss. You keep making these wild statements Robert which makes me question who you really are and your real trading experience.:confused:

The fact remains that your explanation of how you determine monthly trend and when to jump to the daily has newbie written all over it. If the newbies following you want to believe this is the best thing since sliced bread was invented then so be it, go for it. I’ve seen this kind of thing many times before with newbies yelling, screaming and crying they lost their rent money and everything else.

My suggestion to all of them is do it on a demo or face the fact you’re going to lose your money. I guarantee you will lose every trade on the Daily with a 10 pip stoploss and it won’t take but a few short minutes. If this doesn’t tell you this guy’s methods are questionable then nothing ever will. For those of you who can think for yourselves and have a little experience then just think before you jump and do your own analysis of this method. If it makes good sense to you then posts your ideas and why you think it’s good or bad.

The only trader I see here that would come close to qualifing as a professional trader is San Miguel and he isn’t using it as a defense of his methods. He doesn’t have to as he walks the walk and talks the talk. He answers the questions and admits his failings on the entries.

Show me the money Robert this just ain’t going to get it,


He doesnt use a 10 pip stop. You said something about a 2000$ stop, he said a 2000$ stop could be 10 pips depending if your have enough account balance and lot size. Keep your stops in pips not $ because $ is relative. A 2000$ stop could also be 10,000 pips if you really wanted it to be.

You should try to figure out which one is your ass or youll have a hard time goin to the bathroom, wonder how you made it to age 50 not knowing :rolleyes:

Lol, your posts almost always give me a good laugh. If your gonna post less just make sure to check up once in a while to answer my many questions :slight_smile:

This is what I have learned and successfully put to work from RC and SanM and other contributors to this thread.

Look at a chart zoom out, you can see a trend. Put a moving average on that chart( the center of a 20:2 BB for example) price gravitates to that line. More so if the line is closer to horizontal. The further price is from that line on as many time frames as you can see the more likely it is to move back towards that line. Price charts are fractal price is not it is a single number. The opportunity that presents itself when price is at an extreme on a higher time frame [B]and[/B] a lower time frame [B]at the same time[/B] can be traded on either time frame chart with success.

Now however you chose to set up your charts to see this condition and what ever time frame you chose to make and manage your trade from are not that different. I found a simple way that works for me. If RC wants to make thousands of pips on the monthly chart and I want to make 50 pips on the 15 min chart thats fine with me. I understand that when someone is giving advise about trading the daily chart I can use that advise on whatever time frame I want because we are talking about a condition price is in not the way a particular chart looks .

As for losing the rent money if that happens I sure as hell won’t be blaming anyone I met in a trading forum. Like every other pissed of newbie I would accuse my broker of ripping me off. If you do place blame like that you should not be trading in the first place;)!!

Must be a fluke, I’ve only made 500+ the two days I used it :stuck_out_tongue:

I made 200pips early last week but then started second guessing on lower time frames and started loosing. Just opened up a second account, one strictly for my daily high low (still think it’s a good idea overall) and one for the long term small lotsize…

“J.B.S. confuse overall success and big bank accounts with good trading.”

personally I’ll take the success and big bank account any way I can get it. The ends justify the means.
is that too Machiavellian ? LOL

I notice there’s an exclamation mark at the top right corner of each post. Y’all might consider using it to avoid all this drama.

personally I’ll take the success and big bank account any way I can get it. The ends justify the means.

I had the exact same thought
Maybe he has a different goal than us? he wants to be the “best trader” I don’t know but I did think that was a strange thing to say.

RCarter, your insight, lessons, ways, and experience are valuable.

Please continue your time here on BabyPips.


ps:even if/when using your methods, i was making pips…musta been a fluke. :wink:


I didn’t get my initial big bank account on the Forex or the stock market. I earned it running my own business. People with money trade very different then people without a large account. Most newbies are young and trading the Daily will kill there accounts. They cannot afford huge drawdowns. Read my posts to SanMiguel. He made a long trade that was 63 pips from the pivot low which didn’t concern him one bit. I was waiting for the price to hit the Support level and noticed his post. That same trade would have stopped out most traders.

I’m not saying San Miguel doesn’t know how to trade and far from it. But most traders cannot trade that way. Robert’s newly posted method has a similar problem although much worse. Watching the Monthly chart for a Daily Pivot which is what he’s suggesting is just plain crazy. By the time you see a little squigglely line forming on the Monthly chart days have gone and went. By that time the price could move in the complete opposite direction.

Are you trading like this Mike? I bet you are not, I know your smarter then this. Robert, I’m sure can recognize the trend standing on his head but does it without this crazy method. Again San Miguel pointed out the flaws of this method.

If I’m wrong on this Mike and you see the method as a viable method to identify trend I’m sure we would all like to hear how you do it. It’s beyond me how anybody could use this without losing their shirt.


Hello Robert,

I never said you couldn’t trade that is a given but you have a sixth sense that these newbies lack. You professional traders are hard to understand and this sixth sense seems to be the problem.

The last professional that I learned from was a very patient Brit who beat me over the head with private messages. He was very upset and sent me a PM and was very frustrated as to the why people don’t understand what I’m teaching? The answer wasn’t a simple one and I explained I learned because I entered his thread with 9 months of studying the Forex night and day seven days a week and with years of reading the fundamentals and trading stocks.

He was talking to newbies with little knowledge and traders who wouldn’t give up their old ways of trading even though they made very few pips. He was talking way above their heads even though he was a great teacher it was at a level that only experienced traders could understand. He also had this sixth sense about reading the markets. He made 350 pips a night while he slept and insisted we tried it if only on a demo. He was correct and it’s not that difficult if you can accept new ideas into your trading methods. You only get this sixth sense after years of experience I guess as I still need to do it the old fasion way.

My attempt at making jokes was inappropriate and you obviously didn’t appreciate them. Please accept my apology and thank you for your post.

Happy trading,


the nature of forex trading.

Just took 22pips off this move from support - my entry was a bit late, could have been a good 50.
If you put the bollinger over the top, you will see it is also outside the 20:2 (just an extra confirmation in this case, the support was the main reason).
I find it easier to take the bollys off the chart to draw SR, and often just flash up the bollingers if I think something is in an area of trade.

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Despite fancy words like fractal, all it really means is if you divide price up into regular time intervals whether it’s 15m or 1h or 1d or 1month they all have similar price patterns. They all have trends and ranges. The only difference is in scale and proportion and on the lower TFs more random noise. Trade size has to be scaled accordingly obviously.
Also negative pips doesn’t equal draw down. Draw down is -pips times lotsize.
Well that kind of stuff is obvious and common sense. But then ‘she who must be obeyed’ often tells me I have no common sense… My usual retort is “you’re right! your’s is merely common while mine is uncommon!” or “common sense is what tells you the Earth is flat” :smiley:

been too busy all weekend and today to think about charts… back in the saddle tomorrow

it seems to be at the moment though it is far from the norm.

Lol, “She who must be obeyed.” I’m doin ok so far today, trying a couple new things out. Only problem is IBFX doesn’t allow hedging so I can’t demo RC’s system at the same time :frowning: Still makin pips though :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello Mike,

I have seen your comments on fractals before as well as Robert’s and although you are correct in terms of nature the term fractals in the charting world is not quite the same definition. I was guilty of this as well until I noticed some of the indicators with the term as a user defined variable. I thought why don’t they just say timeframes and forget the fancy wording until I looked at the code. After an investigation I found a somewhat different definition.

The term fractals in the charting world definition is as follows:

[B]Fractals are a suggestion of reversal among larger movements.[/B]

A [B]bearish turning point fractal [/B]= 5 consecutive bars, the highest high preceded and followed by two lower highs.

A [B]bullish turning point fractal [/B]= 5 consecutive bars, the lowest low preceded and followed by two higher lows.

Fractals may share bars, so that a buy and a sell fractal can merge into each other. A fractal signal remains in place until replaced by an opposite signal. The rule is not to place a trade when the sign is contrary. These signals on there own are not enough to initiate a trade and should be used in combination with other indicators.

Now I know some will think as I did why the heck don’t they just say Pivot Point because that is what they are but then again not exactly as a pivot point only goes by bars weight, left side vs right side and would not necessarily have the exact definition as written above.

As the famous American narrator Paul Harvey use to say after telling a story, [B]NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY.[/B]

Enlightenment must come little by little - otherwise it would overwhelm.
[B]Idries Shah[/B]


Well, what I meant was that by trading this new method I might have a shorter or even longer term trade going the opposite of your strat and I’d like to see how this newer would would. I’m still mentally testing your strategy though and being honest with myself about when I’d enter and exit and my true profit/loss.

My use of the term fractal is more of a mathematical meaning not the indicator. A lose definition would be a system or shape that has the same characteristics at different levels of resolution.
Like candle charts of PA displayed in different time frames.