Bollinger band trading with MAs


I thought fractals were saturday morning TV cartoons… :confused:

Used to be a TV show.

Fractal Rock…

Eh, I’d rather you see a bright future as a good fx trader :p. Just trying this for now. Suprisingly though all but the EUR/USD trades are following the monthly, haven’t checked the daily yet though. I think its cool how profitable strategies have roughly the same entries.


By the way I’m taking a course at my college in a year where they give a class of 10 students a $200k hedge fund account and they learn how to trade. So far each year every class has surpassed their profit expectation.

There you go!

Lest those lacking humor think I was serious, the show was “Fraggle Rock”.


fractal rock / fragle rock lol I preferred bugs bunny & road runner although bananna splits had a great theme song, Bob Marley even picked up some of it in one of his songs! :smiley:

Fractals ok the mathmatician comes out. Studied them back in the 70s in high school. It is simply something that is self similar at all scales. The Mandelbrot set is maybe the most famous example. So if you plot a set of points on the complex number plane where x axis is the normal numbers and y axis is imaginary numbers sqrt(-1) = i all that rot… well anyway that’s the fancy way of saying yeah natures fractals you know sunflower seeds heads, trees, sea shores… forex chart patterns of ranges and trends and candle patterns all occur and look the same on all time frames. I’ll bet I could post a picture of a 15M chart and daily chart and with no numbers or anything and you couldn’t tell which was which.

So any way the fractal indicator on the metatrader platform has nothing to do with any of that, it just shows high and low pivots, which I suppose is also fractal like since they occur on all time frames but that’s not really what I had in mind

ok enough of that, I’m not usually so long winded but I wrote a computer program to generate the mandelbrot set on my commodore 64 way back in the 80s so it’s kind of a hobby of mine LOL

Infractal… hehehe… enough already this is serious…i’m watering down my beer with tears of laughter! :smiley:

Hello again Mike,

Your comment “Well that kind of stuff is obvious and common sense.” is not all that obvious nor do your statements make sense to me.

Drawdown: The magnitude of a decline in account value, either in percentage or dollar terms, as measured from peak to subsequent trough. For example, if a trader’s account increased in value from $10,000 to $20,000, then dropped to $15,000, then increased again to $25,000, that trader would have had a maximum drawdown of $5,000 (incurred when the account declined from $20,000 to $15,000) even though that trader’s account was never in a loss position from inception.

I don’t know about you but I view DRAWDOWN as a negative thing. My definition of a good trade is a good entry and a good exit with positive pips at the end so my account gets bigger. Making a bad entry with a huge drawdown on my account doesn’t make me jump for joy. Even if the trade ends up positive over time I still consider it a bad trade.

Your comment “Also negative pips doesn’t equal draw down.” is a little misleading as it is most certainly the major factor in the equation. The definition of drawdown is a simple one and is quite simply a decline in account value.

There’s no need in stating the number of mini lots or full lots mutiplied times the pip loss per contract and the subsequent product is then multiplied by the currency conversion factor of your currency and the subsequent product added to the brokers commission equals the total loss of the trade.

If I have negative pips during a trade from the last high that downward price movement is having a negative effect on my account value. Whether the trade turns positve or ends negative it is called [B]drawdown[/B] and in either case I like to avoid large drawdowns because of my aversion to financial loss.

It has been said that the least common of all senses is common sense.

The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply.
[B]Kahlil Gibran [/B]


Oh err… past my bedtime me thinks… EU is still south and its getting to Johnny (BS) Johnny ‘be serious’ again. Night all and thanks for the laughs… really good fun. :slight_smile:

Hello Shr1k,

The facts are nothing but the facts so help me G_d. Just freaking google it if you’re not convinced. We aren’t taking a walk looking for fractel thingies at the Zoo nor are we looking for a more mathematical meaning of fractals in our lives. We didn’t lose the definition of fractals in the forex and no matter what the resolution we zoom in on the true definition of the word fractels for indicators was never before truely understood here on this thread. We have all been fractally stupid on this thread and never new it to be so. Even the great wizard of wizardry couldn’t tell us the true meaning of fractals on the forex. I have taken it as my personal responsibility to rectify this lack of understanding and educate the less educated and to spread the word about the true meaning of forex fractals.

I found all the fractals on the definition of fractals quite freaking funny but the fact is some traders on this thread have mentioned the use of the Shi-Channels Linear Regression indicator I posted a few weeks or so back and hence the absolute confuzzlement of said traders at Mike’s definition of the word fractels.

Now Mike is usually spot on with his post and not wrong with his definition but the fact is that this time his definition conflicts with the true nature of using fractals in terms of charting indicators. This indicator has a user input variable for the number of fractals and knowing exactly what this indicator is looking at is vitally important for those wishing to adjust the Shi-Channels.

If one chooses to be ignorant of the definition in the charting world it is your choice. For some people not knowing things such as the financial collapse of world economy, ignorance is bliss.:cool:

I didn’t invent the freaking thingie and if I did I would have chosen a better word but the fickle finger of fate has brought me to this fractel of time and I must report the facts as written so the users of the Shi are not shy about using the indicator.

Trade well by being informed as knowledge is power and power is money,


I suggest you all buy a certain percentage of your net worth and get some of those krugerrands. You may need them in the next 2, 5, or 10 years. :smiley:

well, Im done trading for tonight up 161 pips with another 22 floating.

Hello Robert,

Please don’t take me too seriously. There’s always a method to my madness or is that a madness to my method. In any event this forex trading is like you once said, like watching paint dry. The news is depressing and tv mostly boring so what’s one to do. I type or read during commercials during the ball game if not coding indicators or EAs. I don’t always hit the mark on writing with humor as you know. As you said it must be an over the pond thingie.

Have a good night,


You should change your name to Sam so we can call you serious sam :p. By the way I lied, I’m not done trading tonight :smiley: up 200 with 7 floating. But really, now I’m done trading for tonight.


I believe you mentioned watching this show. I bet the little guy in the middle with the music instument was your favorite. Just my opinion.


yeah, kinda looks like me too :slight_smile: hoy yoy yoy trying to sing Bob Marly but doesn’t come out good type written.

I read the Prophet years ago. Here’s another good one from something similar, the Rubiat of Omar Kyam
"strange that among this earthen lot some could articulate while others not, suddenly one more impatient cried who is the potter pray and who the pot"

Drawdown… If I’m going to have a negative pip trade I’d rather it be a microlot than 25 lots.
pips is pips but they’re only half the equation.

oh I just noticed… de guad fadda aaa geez youse guys hiyadoin? fuggedabotit! youdawannaknow

I’d tell you about the Faulkin Islands but it might not be appropriate but it’s hilarious

Big Robert,

I just don’t get this serious thing you talk about and you must just be given me the business. We’ve known each other a long time from back in the old days and you know and we’ve had our differences I admit. You send your boys over here to infractal me and I send my boys over there to infractal you and we draw way to much attention from the administrators policing this side of town. There’s plenty of money here for both of our families Big Robert.

Look at my avatar. Now tell me do I look like a serious man? I’m a very gentle man just trying to make a little money here and once in while I get to pet my P**SY and play with my gun. That’s all I want to do these days. How can I convince you I ain’t going to Fractal your head or Drawdown on ya. I show you a picture of my son who has taken over the business. See attached. His name is Don Michael BSmart I know you will show him respect when he and the boys come visit ya to talk business and break bread. He won’t be carry trading anything so don’t drawdown on him.

Hope you make lots of pips before the Feds get onto this game.

Don JohnnyBSmart

Woke up to another 220 pips profit :p. Thinking of combining this strat with RC’s old/new strat, seems like it would get even better.

Scoob, are those pips from one trade or several? If one, what has been your average stop loss risk to get that kind of return?

Several trades usually and I’m using RC’s initial stop of 200 pips but move it lower depending on how the trade is going. Trading low lot sizes because of trading the higher TF’s