Bollinger band trading with MAs

Try these…only a tenth of the size and a price tag to match.
Start a collection :slight_smile:

I suppose that would work until I can afford the real deal :stuck_out_tongue:

Lemme see,if i can use the british language for this.

Ahhhhh bugger, dont leave Rc…

this thread, which i’ve read twice, educated/educating me quite nicely, from ground zero, to actually making pips.

Cant you plllllllllllllllleaaassseeee just use ‘ignore’ ‘ignore button’ on nasty peeps?

I apologize for any use of smaller time frames than daily!



I agree, ignore button could be useful.
Found you on FB RP, you remind me of James Bond lol.

Someone make sure to save post 4400 :stuck_out_tongue:

Twice, seriously? That’s dedication…

I’ve tried telling people to use the Ignore button; I tried to persuade Cas, remember? But Cas left anyway. :frowning:

I’ve had to ignore only one person so far, and the [B]COD[/B] father (thought that one was funny RC :p) was not one

Should probably be getting to bed but I’m busy trading still :eek: couple trades turning towards positive wanna make sure I minimize risk or lock in some profit if able;)


Don’t quite know what you’re implying there but the question has always been the same and that is what is it that you really do as far as trading your method. As I have stated many times quit the bullcrap and just answer the questions.

Directing the questions back towards me does not answer the question and helps nobody here to actually trade your method. I have never questioned whether you can trade or make pips so please keep your comments to the business at hand. How many pips you’ve caught on the Asian doesn’t answer the questions. The fact the pairs you posted short at 6:39 EST are going in the opposite direction after hitting the bottom support line has me wondering about your method. My method of trading doesn’t direct me in the wrong direction.

My method is not under the microscope here Robert but I assure you it’s much better then yours. Your posting so far of trading the Daily trend, watching simple moving averages and watching a squiggly on the monthly are not revolutionary methods of trading and I’m way beyond this level of trading.
You may convince the newbies of your greatness and knowledge and they may bow down at your feet but this old boy isn’t convinced.

Your comment “Don’t need to be a rocket scientist here just trade the longer TF’s with a modest lot size and see what happens.” is not answering the questions. Any fool can make money standing on their head in these long market swings. Posting how many pips you made doesn’t prove anything about the method and tells nothing about the whys and what fors.

What were you thinking before you actually made the trade? What were you looking at? I tried the “looking at the monthly” purely out of curiosity already knowing you’d have to have your head screwed on backwards to watch that chart for the present trend. And all those posting that they do I invite to post what they are looking at to determine the trend or does it require a crystal ball. All you have to do is look at the Daily. Any longer term trends can be seen by zooming the screen out or just put on a simple moving average like a 50, 100 and 200 SMA.

Your comment “I use a 2 Regression close to give me a feel for where PA is going across the days.” is just a WTF comment. As I’ve posted before Robert this is a moving average of one so getting a feel for days is not what your getting and just looking at the PA itself will get you a better feeling. This is superfluous indicator and not worth putting on a chart.

Your comment “The two Regression high low is the fast indicator just to join the high/lows together.” is just lines from high to high and low to low and doesn’t indicate anything that you can’t already see on a chart and is again completely superfluous.

The 2LWMA/4LWMA cross is a newbie way of trading and is normally used by a trader who doesn’t understand advanced charting methods. This is how every newbie starts trading because it’s easy to understand. I know what market trading professionals use to trade the markets and this isn’t the way they do it. You can’t use this method in a countertrend move as it will kill your account in a bumpy market.

If this is truely all there is to your method then the system has more holes in it then a sieve and explains your problem of trying to explain it. Nothing you’ve posted on methods holds any water and it has become obvious you cannot teach me anything about trading. There is nothing personal intended in that last paragraph Robert so don’t read into that anymore then what is written.

I wish you well Robert but I will stay with my method but thanks for the entertainment.


Not sure if you really meant 2/4 LWMA cross or not but in case you did mean what you’ve typed he uses 2/4 LWMA on hi and low to create a channel to help display OB/OS conditions, not a MA crossover system. But, maybe you didnt mean what you wrote just trying to let you know (from what I know) how he uses them.

Again with the insults and put-downs but not a single sign of any credible strategy of your own. Yeah, Johnny, I think your time here ought to be just about up…

Quite true, all I’ve gotten from jonny BS is shi channels :eek: which repaint to fit price. if only you could trade in hindsight :rolleyes:


Not. You posted at 6:39 EST and didn’t mention the time of the trade but it had to be before that and by that time it was in a little countermove. I was prodding you to post your trade time. In any event I’m glad to see you’re positive. Did you see this on the Monthly squiggly or the 4-2 cross? Just kidding Robert I don’t really needs to know.:slight_smile:


San Miguel,

Thanks for your response. There is really nothing to demo here and we all learned this in trader first grade. I’m afraid there is no professional system being taught here. I trade more like you with the Support and Resistance and daily for trend. I take a countertrend only to the centerline and sell at any sign of a reverse.

Robert isn’t shedding any more light on his method and I’m afraid it’s because there’s no more to tell. The other traders here are all newbies and most are just reading and watching. A year from now they will still be reading and watching. I’ll stop by and see if you’re posting but this gig has come to an end.

Trade well and prosper San,



Now that comment is truely from somebody who hasn’t a clue about indicators. Do you think a 4-2 LWMA cross is some future reading thingie. If your going to post at least use the right end of the dog or is the tail wagging the dog.


This thread wasn’t about my strategy. Try reading post number one.

Hey Robert,

What the hey, I was just getting started with the questions. I’ll ask SanMiguel to lighten up a bit he really isn’t that bad a guy once you get to know him. :smiley: Where’s the since of humor and thick skin you had yesterday? I’d think with all the money you’re making you’d have a better since of humor.

Tell me I’m full of bullcrap Robert but don’t leave. I’m leaving this thread anyway as I’ve got better things to do. In any case Robert it’s been interesting. Have a nice life.



You are correct I did not write it correctly. Sorry for the confusion.

The 4 H-L channel with the PA cross does show the high break throughs as does the low. It is not always the absolute high or the absolute low as well as not every daily high or low will it highlight. I realize that you can make money using the method but that fact was not under discussion. If you cannot post your entry and exit points and why you made the decision to buy and sell then how can a newbie expect to get it right.

If Robert wishes to stick around maybe those points can be discussed and maybe with San Miguel’s and everybody elses input as well we may just learn an even better method of entry and exits. With all of the trading experience we should be able to come up with an even better method.

Robert doesn’t take questioning his method very well but has to realise that’s how the learning process becomes a two way street. I commend him on his efforts and he showed at least a few how to make a few pips. I never would have used it but saw it’s simplistic approach and it’s positive points to making pips. The negatives is what I had a problem with in trading it and the fact my system is already way ahead of it I will not change the way I trade.

Have a nice life,


Based on your posts that i have been reading for the last few days,you come across as grumpy old man who lacks respect for others. And that is low and a shame. You lack the manner to disagree with others without being disagreeable.
Finally,you have crossed the line on several occasions with your belligerent posts and you should be banned from this forum.

I am positive that your loose lips sink ship will get you into trouble on day.


Woke up to another 2.7% but its still early here so im goin back to sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

he might have said it in a slightly firm manner, but he has the right to express his views. i mean, it’s not as if he’s going overboard with foul and disgusting language.

i think the fact that you’re asking him to be banned from this forum is going overboard.