Bollinger band trading with MAs

Looking at shorting the JPY crosses. :wink:

Iā€™ve been short GBP/JPY for a while lol causing me a little bit of a drawdown but still got another 150 pips today :p.


Youā€™re making a lot of pips. Congrats. Whereā€™s our cut? I think combining stats is what Robert does so he doesnā€™t take a hit. Your going to have to change your moniker to BIGMONEYDOG and maybe even start your own thread.

Happy trading,


Ehh gimme a couple years and then Iā€™ll consider it :stuck_out_tongue:

Got 3 shorts going on GBP/JPY (part of the other trading strat, allow for multiple entries) Last entry was right at the top of the latest down move :p. Hopefully it continues south for a while :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve got a couple lots on gbpjpy and a little less on usdjpy each trade no more than 2% loss at most. I think Iā€™m gonna start posting in % gains because while 150 pips seems like a lot it is about a 1.5% balance gain.


I figured this game out a while ago, the fundamentals, charting and how this game works, it just took me a while to handle the psychological side.

I use three LRC SHI-Channels and a few of my own indicators. I donā€™t know if BIGDOG uses these or not to see the tops and bottoms but it would be a wise decision as they are spot on the money. The bols are alright but not always right on the money. The big boys in NY use the LRCs and I like making money following their lead.


Have you settled on taking the trade at the immediate turn of the line on the daily or waiting for end of day?

On the AUDJPY pair (and USDJPY to a much lesser extent), they go very well correlated with the US500. Overlap AUDJPY on the stock market and you can see the correlation.
AUDJPY has a hammer and hit double bottom today on the Daily chart.

I am still short EURAUD, hopefully for a while.

Isnā€™t the daily AUDJPY regression line headed up?
Just having a look through this strat or have I got an odd setting somewhere.

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Ya I know what u mean but for right now Iā€™m stickin with 5 pairs on this new start. Hopefully this % gain remains consistent :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends really, id like to wait atleast for half the day to show the trend if it is going opposite the monthly but if a month is well established ill probly enter right away at a decent turn.

Actually San, its really all discretion based. Just something you go for and try to understand it. It being already half of may when RC introduced this it was easy to find the monthly trend and follow it, a new month will be something different. Hopefully ill understand it quickly :stuck_out_tongue: OR rc could always shed more light on the topic :stuck_out_tongue:

So you would have been hedging there?

I think I have just the 2 high and 2 low LWMAs yellow on my chart.

Not that that really matters for the strat where we wait for the line to turn but what purpose is your 4LWMA as opposed to the 2 or is it the 2 crossing the 4?

Actually if I was taking the counter trend, I would likely have taken the double bottom support bounce and then stuck with the trade if the LWMA had turned - just to add another confusion :slight_smile:

Hello Robert,

Get real Robert and BigDog. You canā€™t see the moves on the Daily. Youā€™re trading no less then the Hourly with only a look to the Daily. This is called playing the Hourly not the Daily. Most traders who just trade the daily donā€™t jump in and out of the market at every move within the Daily. They play the major moves from one side of a LRC channel to the other. Your comments donā€™t add up to your actions and are confusing. I see San Miguel is as confused as anybody about what method you are really using. As a talking computer in the 70ā€™s might say ā€œIt does not computeā€.

All successful traders look at the Daily for trend direction ā€œThat is elementary my dear Robertā€. Bigdogā€™s statement waiting half a day for trend direction is questionable to say the least. The Daily goes up and down over 24 hours of time as anybody can see on a hourly, 2hour or even a 4 hour chart. By the time a half a day has gone by the trend within the daily has reversed most of the time as it did yesterday on the AUDJPY and a few others I watch.

Maybe youā€™re getting this on the Monthly with the little squiggly thingie that my old eyes canā€™t detect?:confused: San Miguel have you figured this out yet? Please enlighten me as we seem to speak a similar language.



Looking at my charts it looks like all youā€™re doing is spreading your losses over multiple pairs. All of these hit the bottom of the channel at the time of your post and are now on one of those Jap super trains heading north. I hope you jumped off the train.


Maybe I wonā€™t say how Iā€™m trading o.O? If it works great lol. Not exactly easy to explain how to trade with discretion. Iā€™m simply trading one setup and another RC just showed everyone.

Sounds like I made some more pips then :stuck_out_tongue: hopefully they hit my tp cuz Iā€™m out right now.

TBH JBS I havenā€™t tested it enough yet, Iā€™m busy enough as it is during my trading hours using good old fashioned S&R and every now and then bollinger bands with a very simple 20:2 setup.

Myself, I rarely if ever look at the monthly chart. Weekly I will checkā€¦errā€¦surprisingly once a week :slight_smile: but for the most part itā€™s the daily for trend but that doesnā€™t stop me taking counter trend bounces if at support and then I stay in if the MAs happen to cross up along the way, otherwise Iā€™m out.

I will probably never stop checking out new ideas and systems though, thatā€™s just me. What I will say is that I no longer trade new systems live until I have demoed them and understood the intricacies. For now, Iā€™m still the old fashioned bollinger trader :slight_smile:

errā€¦I didnā€™t say anything bad about your strat RC, just that I was demoing itā€¦:confused:

Was just commenting on the fact that I like to demo systems out before trading live. Much of what I use is from this thread, which covers bollys pretty much in their entirety. :slight_smile:

I think it is difficult at the best of times to explain a strat - thatā€™s why we have so many pages here, lots of learning along the way. As you say though, the only way to know is to demo something - what have you got to lose. I seem to remember cas regularly ass kicking me along the way :slight_smile:

Be honest nowā€¦this is you on facebook isnā€™t it!!! :smiley:

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Iā€™m trying my best to have a car like that :p. Only question I have is really unanswerable because its based on discretion. How do you determined the correct time to enter. I also have to add your 4 and 2 Hi/Lo LWMAs, sounds like they will help remove some discretion :p.

In terms of pips, Iā€™m up 459.8 today (last 10 hours). In terms of %, im up 4.5%+. Not bad, I hope this continues for quite a while :p.

by the way, theres toooo many Robert Phelps on FB lol.
-If you want a gurantee in life, buy a toaster.
Sounds like something youā€™d say lol.