Bollinger band trading with MAs

Just an idea to see whether it would increase the RR a bit.

What do you think of EJ and GJ? Overall trend down but your tunnels are flattening a bit.

My pending order on E/J triggered about three hours ago short (110.874). G/J is a pending at 134.195 short (not yet triggered).

Thanks for info…now it has clicked.
I have a bit of time to demo this week so I’ll see how it goes…
Will try out some SL variations if needed.

What you been up to recently anyway?

I had GJ trigger at 134 although my hi line now seems to have changed to 134.69.
Same on yours?

Same on AJ, now changed to 77.50

Ok, so I’m running a little demo.
The arrow indicates the bias direction and I’ve left the RR at 1:2 for the stop loss to target for the moment. I even have an EA that manages the trades for me adjusting the targets and orders whenever the 2LWMA changes (so I only have to check it once a day)
Gonna try this for a week or two. :slight_smile:

R Carter requested an indicator that had week and monthly charts on the daily. If you guys want to try this code, here ya go. :slight_smile: It ONLY works correctly while viewing D1 in MT4

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Red
#property indicator_color2 Yellow

//---- buffers
double WeekBuffer[];
double MonthBuffer[];

int init()
   //---- indicators

int start()
   int i;
   int MBars = iBars(NULL, PERIOD_MN1);
   int DBars = iBars(NULL, PERIOD_D1);
   int month, week;
   int time;
   for(i = DBars;i >= 0;i--)
      // get the time for the current day bar 
      time = iTime(NULL, PERIOD_D1, i);
      // get the corresponding month bar for this time 
      month = iBarShift(NULL, PERIOD_MN1, time);
     MonthBuffer[i] = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_MN1, month);  
     // get the corresponding week bar for this time 
     week = iBarShift(NULL, PERIOD_W1, time);
     WeekBuffer[i] = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_W1, week);  

Don’t think RC will stray away from his marketscope :p. Btw, you can upload the idicator by putting it in a .zip folder and uploading the folder, makes it easier for people to get the indicator in my opinion. Some may not know how to use the code.

Nice EA, did you program it yourself? and I always thought you used GFT, do they support EAs? Or are you using it on MT4?

This is the indicator he told me he wanted, because you can see monthly and weekly on the same chart as the daily. :wink:

And if someone can unzip and file, they can probably copy and paste that text into a file in notepad and save it as mq4 and then drop that into the proper folder in mT4.

And if not? Well, I just told them. :smiley:

Lol true. How did you learn MQL programming rob? Better yet how did you learn programming in general. Trying to find some sufficient resources to teach myself but there seems to be a lack of good knowledge out there, and if it is good it doesn’t cover everything. I feel like I’m putting together a few pieces to a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle lol.

I have a good idea of the variables and their different types but there’s too many ways to code something and I can’t figure out the correct way. I can easily think of what I want an indicator (or EA) to do and what order and how it should be done but my problem comes when I have to code it in the order.

Guess it’s something that just requires a lot of practice.

Well, I have a computer science degree. :slight_smile:

But in actuality, I learned very unsophisticated programming in college. About the only thing was knowledge of good coding structure (which I think can save you TONS of hassle – try finding bugs in poorly formed code!), a bit of OOP and all the other basics.

I am now a web programmer using MySQL, PHP, HTML, blah blah…most of which I taught myself or got one book and used that.

Unfortunately, there is not really good sight for MQL. The actual MQL book site is okay for searching but their tutorials and structure is awful. And MQL is FULL of quirks and odd ways of doing things, so it hard to get. I am no where near and expert. But I mostly learned by taking a really simple indicator (say an MA) and opening it in MetaEditor and seeing how it worked.

Ya, that’s how I taught myself what I know now. Just simply veiwing how someone created an indicator. Sometimes changed them around slightly to create something I could use. I noticed a lot of strangely coded indicators and EAs and they really through me off. Couldn’t see the logic in the coding, assuming those are some of the strange quirks found in MQL.

I tried the indicator. nice work, however. it has the stair step look that the mtf-moving average indi has. is there a way to make it a smooth line that would exactly match the price line of the higher time frames?

Well, if week 1 has a close of 1.00 and week 2 has a close of 1.5, there has to be a stair step while looking at a chart on the daily since there are only 2 week points for the 14 day points. There is no actual data attached to the slanted lines…just the transition between one week price and another to make a continuous line.

In summation, if there is, I don’t know how to do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Could extrapolate intermediate values to produce a smoother line?
or maybe start with the higher time frame as the base chart such as 1month and then show price line for the lower time frames?

That would defeat the purpose.

Week 1 closes on Sat at mid at 1.05
Week 2 closes on Sat at mid at 1.30

So during the week the price moved up. You can see that clearly if you were to look at the daily for Week 2 as you have price points for 7 days. But if you look at the week chart of closes you would see a “jump” from 1.05 to 1.30

And that is the point of overlaying on the daily. You can see those movements via the daily that got to that point on the weekly.

The daily IS your extrapolation. :slight_smile:

Of course, maybe I am wrong in what R Carter wanted. In which case, I will try something else.

R Carter,

I don’t even know how that would look. If I am looking at the daily with a range of two weeks, there are only 2 week plots available. Anything more data than that is not weekly data. And any change in a weekly bar is the same as the change in a daily bar, just at a higher viewpoint.

So as before, I have no idea what you are talking about. :slight_smile: And what the hell is level II?

What does level III offer? lol. Is there anything left to offer? Perhaps what the banks are doing before they do it?

which one would that be?

on a price line chart, in metatrader anyway, a line is drawn from the close of one candle to the close of the next candle… only the line is shown, not the candles.

I’ll bet I could do the three time frame thing on an Excel graph. That wouldn’t be updated real time though.