Bollinger band trading with MAs

Not bad for a first go…just shy of 700pips (a few still open for tomorrow).
I only took 1 trade and once it was closed I didn’t enter any more.

How much gain was that? I do the same thing, once I take a trade I dont re-enter until the next day at the earliest.

It was a demo remember, I try not to trade systems live that I don’t know all the ins and outs for.
The demo account has £1k in and each trade was 1% of account val so I traded 0.1 mini lots (around £1 per pip). I didn’t bother working out the price of 1 pip so the actual profit was around £400 but should have been nearer the £700 profit mark. Move to break even after 100pips.
Look through the trades and see what you can match up on the weekly charts, there were some questionable ones with no clearly defined trend in there that we talked about on Monday.
Also, they were weekly trades so I meant once the trade was closed, that’s it, no more entries for that pair until the next week but it would probably be unlikely anyway.

What kind of SLs were you using? Wouldn’t 1$ pips on a 1k account be a lot of risk per trade?

Just recaluclated using the actual close price rather than TP as I closed a few out just before they hit the LWMA to lock them in. So it works out as closed for 555, currently open -81 ([B]474[/B]).

I was using a 1:2 ratio, SL dependent upon the pair, ranges from anywere like 58 pips on EG to 180 on EU to 240 on EA.
Absolutely, if all trades were to lose, then the account would be wiped out so perhaps the risk is 10 fold too high? On each trade I guess the risk was 10 % ish?
So, you think the above is more like 47.4 pips :wink:

The risk is obviously reduced because it’s run as a portfolio of pairs…

Ok lol, I was gonna say you must know something I don’t about stops. Still, 47.4 pips is good, good job san :p.

So the portfolio has exposure to:
Euro 5x
US$ 5x
GBP 4x
Yen 4x
Chf 2x
Aussie 3x
CAD 1x

Not highly balanced but should certainly reduce risk. I could drop USDCAD for USDCHF but not sure how much RC worries about the cross pairs and that kind of thing…as long as it’s not overexposed to 1 currency.

RC - you trade 1% of account balance don’t you or 1% risk?

It’s possible to work out all the variations but if you’re following the charts and have balanced trades it should be pretty hard for EVERY currency to go against you in this setup. What could be an issue is if you only trigger the 5 euro linked trades in one week but then you’d have to hedge the exposure just like companies do and that’s a little overcomplicating things for this strat I reckon :o
Anyway…another week of demo testing ahead…

I saw your GJ trade worked out today…

Ya, GBPJPY has been very profitable lately. 1 BE 0 Losses and like 15 wins. RC said he risks .1%, so if he were to trade 20 pairs it wud be only 2% exposure.

Next week I plan on testing the 20 pairs. .01 lots most likely (on a 1k account), maybe even .001 we’ll see. Just to clearify how I’m gonna trade the strat, HA daily candles for trend direction. Then going to look for LWMA low for longs and LWMA high for shorts. Trading with a 2:1 ratio. This will be starting monday :p.

“Sweeeet” /cartman

I, too, will be trading this strategy starting next week. As such, I apologize in advance to all of you who have been trading it successfully up to this point. :stuck_out_tongue:

1000 x 0.001 = £1 per pip?

Sccob - your GJ strat should have triggered a buy trade around 0500GMT for 45 pips? Interesting that GJ looks like it could be on the turn down now though. Triggered around 134.30 where the daily low was at the time, it has moved lower now.

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I’m not sure exactly lol I closed the platform last night so the LWMAs are showing the current values

Computer says yes :slight_smile:

Just picked up a good old fashioned short scalp on cable for 20pips off 1.5390 :wink:

$1000 and combined trades totaling 1% lot size = $1 lot size (10 cents a pip) X 10 trades = combined trades totaling $10 lot size = $1 a pip.

Absolute max of 10 trades at 0.1% of bal per trade will equal the above max exposure with $1000 account. However in practise the trades are phased in and SL’s dropped into positive trades along the way. So a figure of 0.25-0.5% of bal as a combined lot size exposure to risk trading a max of 10 pairs is nearer the mark.

Having worked it out today with the proper trade sizes (as per the above post) it worked out as about a 7.5% return on the week (taking off around 20pips for overnight LIBOR/Swaps). Not bad at all really for something that I checked once a day.
Had I had USDCHF in there instead of USCAD it would have been a little better. Next week may be a changing point for some of the pairs as they are hitting SR areas on their daily charts and US dollar index is at support but gotta stay with the trend for this…
I can’t see much else happening on cable today and I’ve done my 20 pip scalp for the day so have a good weekend all. :smiley:

So, biases for the weekly (I have some concerns about trends changing this week on the Euro and GBP pairs and have a bias for short on all xxxJPY pairs but we’ll see how it goes).
Anyone in disagreement with the following?

EU long
EG long
EChf long
EJ: mixed - may stay out of this one…
AUDUSD long (though looking at the charts without the trend, I favour a short)
AJ short
GU long
GJ short
GChf short
UJ short
UChf short (tunnel is flattening though)

So are you using the weekly trend bias for the daily trades? and if so do you include the daily trend bias as well?

Nope, just using the weekly charts at present.
I’ll demo out your Daily GJ stuff during the week though and maybe try some backtesting.

so your using RCs strat on the weekly?

one step at a time with new methods.
I still have my FX scalping and stock market trading to get on with for the usual day trading.
will demo your GJ strat as well…

ahh ok :stuck_out_tongue: makes sense now, if you want i have another GBPJPY strat :smiley: this one is a scalper :stuck_out_tongue: