Bollinger band trading with MAs

San this is two 2:1 bolls; one high and one low (see attachment tagged onto last post). No using a 2:2 boll is not effective.

San, what are you using to calculate S/Rs? I rely on the std bolls and a 100 SMA, along with horizontal lines drawn at the most recent high and low points of the Daily. I have only been trading off the Daily since implementing RCs LWMA hi/lo.

Same here. Weekly tf PA is at mid point. Daily would have been a short at 0.847.

So, each band has a high and low (because it’s a 1SD bolly band).
So, it’s more like (just to confuse things :slight_smile: ) -
a high 2LWMA
a low 2LWMA
a bolly applied to high giving 2 lines (the bolly hi/lo)
a bolly applied to the low giving another 2 lines (the bolly hi/lo)

I don’t calculate SR, I just look at the chart without any indicators on it at all. This is the weekly EG but you could get the same looking at the Daily zoomed out. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be looking for longs on EG as it’s obviously with the trend but if I wasn’t demoing this strat at the moment, I for sure wouldn’t be going long at a resistance point - it’s just not a very high percentage trade.

Yes exactly. I consider candle/ bar in between the low band on a high 2:1 boll and the high band on a low 2:1 boll to be ‘normal’ range. Even if the trade goes against me awhile as long as entry point remains within this area there’s every chance of BE or better… but were now into the thorny area of SL… lol.

hey I thought that was just between us? :smiley: just kidding.

I still think it’s remarkable that price so often exactly coincides with the 1 standard deviation line. Must have something to do with the mathematics of how the lines are calculated based on price.

I definately need all the advantage I can get. I feel like Merch, seems like I always get it wrong even when I think I’m doing it right. I haven’t been trading much lately but now that things have started to calm down at work a bit maybe now I can get back into it more.

I took a -95 hit today! The trick is to get more right than wrong. Now where did I put my crystal ball and star charts. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally I started using moon phases, and that’s helped me out today. No trades triggered, I could’ve had a -95 like RC has I not listened :smiley:

That is complete sarcasm I hope you all know lol.

Listened to what? The tide hi/ lo forcast in conjunction with the moons gravitational pull and phase? I’ll give it a go. :D:D

Ok, if the tide is high, and the trend is bearish, look for price to break the 2 LWMA high around the time the high tide is at its highest:D

That wasn’t that E/A short trade by chance was it?

Tricky bugger there…

No currently long on E/A off the weekly tf at 1.449. Took the hit on U/C on a long. PA was on lower 2:1 high band but PA was at mid point in relation to overall weekly hi/lo’s… of course it went south. No matter went long again at 1.036, now plus 46 so near to BE on the two trades.

Dutch Bank Algo Blamed For GBP Flash Crash | zero hedge

It’s such a short MA: 2, and because it readjusts, it’s always going to.
1 standard deviation is 68% (I think) of the PA so it’s pretty likely to hit it.

That makes sense except… if you look at those bars if one end is on the 1 deviation line then the other end is usally completely through it’s boll. Not often that you see both ends completely through the bolls. Of course the bolls move with price not the other way round.

Flash Crash! interesting. At least it wasn’t some major prescheduled news event that I missed.

Well, I’m trying to understand what factors would make RC and San decide to [I]not[/I] take a trade even when the MAs are slanted strongly in a given direction.

So far San has mentioned taking SR lines from the Daily (and possibly the Weekly) into consideration. I’m wondering if Robert takes into consideration how [I]many[/I] daily HA candles have occurred in a trend before he decides to open a trade off the hi-lo MAs in that trend’s direction.

Simply opening trades off an opposite MA to the direction of the MA slants is clearly not working for me. It certainly isn’t working 75% of the time. So what’s the missing variable?

The missing variable is the moon phases, I thought we covered this already? lol sorry I had to say it:D. Tbh, I don’t know, if RC is takin the same trades and profiting then something is up. Perhaps something to do with the brokers or something he just hasn’t mentioned yet.

Just a random question…
how come no-one seems to trade the “system” where you

  • take the bounces at support and resistance
  • get into trades by seeing if PA remains in the buy/sell zones
  • 1hr crossover strat

I never used the 1hr crossover but I still use all the others on higher TFs.
I moved away from the scalping as I found better ways of doing that just off SR.

I’m assuming no-one really understood it or didn’t have much success?

I guess I’m still trying to! :o

I’ll watch and study the 2 period daily & weekly tunnels but I’m still much more comfortable taking trades off the 20:2 bolls. ie John Bollinger’s concept of using the bb’s as relative high/low – s/r areas, then using PA patterns to trigger the trades. I’ve been using and like Tyman’s and Graviton’s CBL “count back line” methods. Also Graivton’s multi-time-frame concepts, for example, PA on the daily and 4h in relationship to the shorter time frames, a lot like the stuff we use to talk about last fall when you and RC started the thread and cas was around.

I’m also adding some daily and 4h trend line break/reversals to the bolls…

The part I’m still f**king up is position size and when to hold-them and when to fold-them! Seems like when I get into a good trade my position is too small and I don’t earn anything… Or my position is too large and I can’t hold through the retraces. LOL!

But for the most part, I’m still trying and using the “classic BB bands as areas of S/R method".

EDIT: to add to this… I guess the more experience I get trading the more comfortable I get using and depending on the PA patterns around the bb bands and not the actual value of the bands themselves, make sense?