Bollinger band trading with MAs

Edit: Be interesting to see where that news report takes it as it has spiked past the resistance area now.

Whatever caused that parabolic UP move in the GU a moment ago…it got me my “pips of the day”. That’s me done for the day. :smiley:


And that sudden up on the back of high impact news is exactly why we dont trade high impact news. Charts were indicating sell. Bet that took alot of stops out! :smiley:

MPC minutes.


Bank of England meeting minutes (high impact news).

Yep, though it has stopped around 1.6430. See what settles in about 30mins.

This is a bump ‘n’ run pattern on the 1hr isn’t it although I guess that’s only really valid on the longer timeframe charts.

The 04:25 candle on 5m changed color. I entered LONG @1.6343.

Well, it [B]did[/B] went up. :slight_smile:

Could have gone the other way I guess. :rolleyes:


Before that last up, i’d have said we were at the upper edge on the 4h down channel. Now if it breaks higher than that last high wick = big resistance. I’d say we were into a continuation up?

[B]R Carter[/B]

That be 1.6412. Is that the one you mean…?


I was thinking more 1.6430’ish.

So, things have settled down a little, looks to have held up at the resistance at 1.6430 so far.
EU is headed down. Awaiting a cross of the MAs for a sell on the GU?
Then we have those lines…now support lines… on the way down and the recent 1hr UP trendline to pass - that’s a fair bit to get through.

Looks like its going to have another run at it though?

Nice avatar for you there Robert!!

Are you into football in a big way?

You Aussies…:stuck_out_tongue: - that’s rugby.
Although on 2nd looks, the ball is brown…hmm…I could be wrong…it wouldn’t be the 1st or last time :slight_smile:
I suppose you could call it rugby football.

It looks to me G is forming a range on the upper 20 BB on 1h. That parabolic move pushed PA to upper 20 BB whereas the EUR is at lower 20 BB.

G range is about 1.640 - 1.643. Wait and see wether that range get squeezed further and 20 BB starts to tighten.,

Its Rugby TYMEN1. England won the ‘world cup’ last time around and runners up this time. Or would you rather I didn’t bring that up! :D:D

Yep, super big on Ruby!!!:slight_smile:

Same fib I was talking about yesterday…worth a quick read.
Pick of the Day: GBPUSD | Forex Blog: Pick of the Day


I don’t like it much at the present. PA can’t decide if its ready to break resistance or retrace. :confused:

Probably too early as 15m hasn’t confirmed yet but I’ve gone short at 1.6435.