Bollinger band trading with MAs

Anyone know of a good trade simulator? Wanna test this trade out but dont feel like waiting til monday, could get a lot more done with one :stuck_out_tongue:


You get out safe?

Yes was multi time frame watching… 4h and 8h as well as day/ week. Saw PA bottom and start climbing on the 4h tf and bailed out for a small hit. :o

Hi San Miguel and people of this thread :slight_smile:

can you or any one please explain or what are sigma 1,2,3
sigma2 and “HA” candle (trend)

sigma is just the Greek way to say standard deviation - it means if you use the method well you can move to Greece :slight_smile:
HA stands for Heiken Ashi - you don’t need the HA to tell you a trend is on, there are a variety of ways to do that but it might be easier if you want to scan through charts, not that the HA candles have a delay in them due to averaging.
For all the messing about with stuff that I do, I have still only settled on using Bollinger Bands on the Daily chart, it;s just too noisy for me to use them on any smaller timeframes.
I only trade GBPUSD intraday now and that just consists of support and resistance scalps.

Most newbs have no business being on the lower timeframe charts as the noise will likely lead them to overtrade but I suspect trading the Daily is too boring for them.

I’d be happy to move to Greece or even further to the moon. :slight_smile:

I was trying to trade daily usd/jpy when the price has bounced off 85.00 level. When pa has reached 85.50 on friday last week I have moved my stop to 85.30 Next day my stop was hit. So I got only 30 pips. How do you move your stops while trading daily charts?

I didnt read all your thread yet. Do you use your indicator for entries or indicator only confirms your entries? dont you use MAs any more?


There are so many different types of ways of using bollinger bands on this thread that I can’t really answer that question fully.
Firstly, I don’t think it was a bad trade as it’s near a support level but realise that it was against the current trend.
I do use MAs yes but again it’s more of an overall direction thing - I use the 20,50,100, and 200 MAs and the bollinger band is purely a confirmation for me. I need 2 reasons for every trade and if the bollinger band is there as the 3rd then I definitely take the trade.
For example, a [B]long wicked candle[/B] at a [B]support[/B] line, with the tail outside the [B]bollinger[/B], I take that - you’ll find other examples on the thread.
There are a few trains of thought for managing your stops. Usually I would take off half the trade after x pips and then leave my stop at break even - if it gets hit…tough…trade over. You could of course leave the trade to run, in which case I would definitely put my stop to break even after 100 pips.

So for example, you entered at 85, with a stop loss of ? …let’s say 20 pips in this example. You could
(a) close half the trade at 20-40 pips and then:
(i) leave the rest to run with a stop loss now at break even
(ii) leave the stop where it is, if it gets hit, then your entire trade would be break even whilst giving the trade more room to move.

(b) You could also have moved your stop to break even after 50pips or more and see what happens, maybe take off a little at 100 pips.

Others have differing views.

EUR/CAD looks good to at least 1.33. AUD/USD to 0.8920. Personally I’ve got TP on both lower… well see. :slight_smile:

My where has everybody gone? Looking to USD/CAD right now and on the daily, it looks good to short. Entered at 0.0386 with a safe TP at 1.0344.

Any thoughts?

usd/cad is looking good RC :smiley:
it is kinda slow around here dont know where everyone went.

I was thinking the same thing. Seems like people who used to post here has become far to busy in their successes :stuck_out_tongue:

As for that short, I’m sure it will be good. I don’t trade this pair but according to how I trade I would have taken a short at 0.04098 and would have exited at 0.03861

I like to get out early lol. Also found a way to have more accurate entries so this allows me to gain a few more valuable pips which is great when only targeting 25-50pips. Also allows for me to risk less and gain more :p.

PA seems to want to stay over the 2 LWMA high as well, it’s also near the end of day so we will see what happens.

too busy is right. Been watching your meetpips RC. 800+ pips so far, not bad!

LOL and was away Wednesday and Thursday this week so set TP at a safe’ish number to close out.

I have modified my strat to 4 LWMA HA hi/lo on the daily with trend as likely entry points with a 2:1 HA boll to fine tune entry/ exit. Seems to be working well with a RR 1.1 or 1.2. 12 trades so far on ‘Meetpips’ all good… can’t keep this up, overdue a hit. :smiley:

Quit showin off! haha im jokin

If it helps im up like 300 this week on 3 pairs :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello hellogoodbye. Is there anywhere you’ve described your current entry and exit methods?

Not yet with this method, not sure if this is something I want to share right away. It’s part RC’s method and part Shr1k’s method, and a little of my own.

Actually, I meant to reply to this thread yesterday and ran out of time. I recently read all the way through the 150+ page Graviton thread on multi-timeframe trading. In it there was an innocuous post from a certain “R Carter” which was the equivalent of a bombshell to me.

All this time I’ve been trying to figure how you determine when price has begun heading back into the channel after passing outside the 2-p daily MAs. You’d always put a chart up with the 2-p regression lines on them and I could never understand why. “They just seem to show the same thing as the MAs: that price is outside the channel. What’s the point of having them on there?”, I’d think.

Then I read this illuminating passage from that post:

When pa hits the slower ma an alert sound will trigger. That’s where I start to pay attention. I wait until PA passes the slower indicator into what can be considered OB/OS. The faster indicator will track price exactly (its basically a regression line set to 2 which defaults to in effect price line but high/ low). [B]When PA stops rising or falling it will leave the fast indicator at the highest high or lowest low. I enter the trade at mid point between the two indicators and trade back across the tunnel.[/B]

I checked all my notes from all our conversations and your posts here and could not find this crucial detail ever mentioned anywhere. A light bulb definitely came on for me. A real “NOW I get it” kind of moment. :eek:

However, I know that you are recently moving to the 2-1 bolls as your signal indicator. Is this because the regression lines require active monitoring to get the correct entry point and the 2-1 bolls allow a set entry order to be placed (and left alone) to trigger? Or did you grow disenchanted with the regression lines’ accuracy?

It’s funny. Had I never read through all those countless pages of that other thread I would have never understood this part of RC’s trading method.

Theres got a to be at least a couple threads with RC’s little posts scattered throughout. It’s like he’s having a scavenger hunt lol

Hi Merchant. :slight_smile: As you know I trade the daily (mostly) across the hi/lo tunnel in the direction of trend. Dependant on recent events and or pair the spread across the daily tunnel can be perhaps 70-150 pips. Rather than trying to predict an exact entry… can anyone? I try to get in when price is over bought sold according to a longer indicator and then time a better entry off a faster indicator.

So for instance I will typically have up the daily chart set to HA bars with a 4 LWMA hi/lo off the HA. This will effectively give an average range of price within the daily tunnel. When price hits the contra side of the trend tunnel (around the 4 lwma HA hi/lo) I will be looking to take a trade.

For the faster indicator in a down trend I used to use a 2 LWMA HA hi/lo and look for a 2 Regression hi/lo to break outside the 2 LWMA (both outside the 4 LWMA tunnel or very close to it). Then wait until PA left the highest point (2 regression line) and started to fall back below the 2 LWMA and enter the trade.

However over recent months I have found a 2:1 boll set to HA hi/lo has proved to be a more reliable fast indicator. When price is trending up for example PA will hit the low 2:1 boll HA (higher band almost to the pip) and reverse and reume the upward pattern of the up trending tunnel (reverse for down trending tunnel). Its not perfect but its the best I’ve yet found.

Perhaps as importantly I don’t rely on tight stops. Having tested this entry now for several months I have found the win rate extremely high. Even when a trade doesn’t go to plan I very often just let it run. My reasoning is if it was taken at the outer edge with trend on the 4 LWMA hi it will come back into the tunnel. So why close out as a loss when it will probably come back to BE or better. An example is USD/CAD. I entered at 1.038 (hi 4 LWMA HA)short with an initial TP of 1.030 (lo 4 LWMA HA) but PA went up to 1.0486 (currently - 103 pips). This is now way outside of the hi 4 LWMA. My entry is now right in the middle of the 4 LWMA HA tunnel. So I reason that this trade will now be a BE.

The only issue with that is most of us with small accounts can’t trade with stops in excess of 100 pips, and certainly not with open-ended, stop-less positions. We would need some kind of guideline to determine the size of the positions we open initially.

I believe I’d asked before about setting the stops at the outermost band of the 2-1 bolls being triggered and you seemed to think that was a reasonable idea. Have you made any notes as to how often you’ve seen price go beyond this point in your trades?