Bollinger band trading with MAs

Awesome that’s exactly what I have setup…Should I make all 4 LWMA’s different colors?

Personal preference mate :slight_smile:
I use orange for the 3LWMA and red for all the others but - they’re simply guides. But if you have a dark coloured backgrouns then you could use yellow and green, etc. etc.
The main idea being to take trades at S/R points and from bollinger extremes, this will lead to a good entry point.

Thanks a lot San =) You helped a ton. Im gonna set up my charts and make sure everything is good and see what I can find. If I have anymore questions i’l post em. otherwise I’ll be around to converse with everyone when some good stuff starts popping up =)

-Mike G

Yes well the settings have change once or twice… okay every other day! LOL But maybe the deal is… a fast, med & slow MA will show the trend changing and the speed of the change, right? Whether it’s fast 4ema or fast 6 LWMA - med 10LWMA or med 14 EMA. you’ll get the idea.

Personally I like old school simple moving averages and rarely use EMA or LWMA.

Somedays the 1-h 20ma Boll bands are perfect, others the 5m or 15m with the 20ma bolls are where you want to be.

I guess there are no secret numbers and MAs so play around, don’t be afraid to curve fit a little, maybe a 6MA works great for GBP/USD but with USD/CHF the 10 looks better.

Also, IMO if your trades aren’t going well, it’s most likely not because you’re using the wrong ma settings.

Today I was using the same settings as I did this past tue. Tue I was the God of Pips and today I suck. LOL!

Completely understand =) im using Miguels setup and im going to examine all the charts… I need to learn to read signals better and read the Boll bands. and get down my Enter and exit Management…I have all the right settings just gotta learn to perform the task.

-Mike G =)

Good, Keep at it, you’ll get it!

Okay got a noobie question…Whats the best way to utilize your 15m,1h,4h charts? Im currently looking at charts for G/U…my 4H one has a uptrend with enormous strength and the candles are breaking through the upper Boll band. My 1h too shows a slight uptrend. but my bottom and top boll.s are curving in a little. the bottom a good amount more than the top and my LWMA’s are close together on this chart. on the 15M chart there seems to be a Boll Squeez and here too my LWMA’s are tight.

-Mike G =)

The PA normally slows down between 1900-2300 GMT so I wouldn’t concentrate too much on the lower TFs at the moment. The point of the bollinger bands is to show when something is overbought or oversold and also the strength of a trend to some extent.
What are the MAs telling you?

MA’s on the 4H are still in a strong up trend, no crossing what so ever…with a nice spread between all of them. on the 1h their in a slight uptrend position extremely close together…no crossing for about 2hrs…3per on top here as well. Im pretty sure and safe to say that G/U is gonna continue in a slight up trend for another hour or so but maybe not more than 20 pips? correct me if im wrong.

-Mike G =)

Hi Mike

Maybe this chart will help you.
Look at the MAs in the blue boxes when they cross and run at a good angle the PA trends when they spread out look for PA to stall or reverse.

Hope that this gives you a start.

Like Kenny says you got to know when to hold them and when to fold.:smiley:


By jcgibson at 2009-10-15

Yep i see it…whenever your dark blue line crosses the other two…the trend changes…and man its like right on… i’ll keep using the 1H chart for trend changes and such.

R.C or Cas Still think it’s going to drop soon? I’m still holding a short since early today since the price hasn’t changed much. The anticipation is killin me

Sounds good. PA has more or less run level on the 1 and 15min charts since 1200GMT today, which is quite a long time considering that most of the recent consolidations were a bit shorter but I suppose that’s to be expected given the massive up move recently.
I’m tempted to take a short off the next 15min bollinger bounce assuming the bollinger bands stay flat. Theoretically it has to retrace down at some point and recently consolidations like this have resulted in a retrace but until the 1hr MAs show a crossover, the trend might continue.
15min shows a pretty good resistance area, which coincides with a 4hr S/R line.
So, I will probably take a 15min bollinger bounce short, close half around middle or bottom bollinger and hope the rest runs short.

Maybe i’ll do the same. I just placed a buy on the E/U Side considering both the 1Hr and 4Hr charts are point to a uptrend …figure taking long isnt a bad idea since they just recovered from a downtrend. the 15m is also showing alot of promise with the 3per moving north as well =).

  • Mike G =)

It’s gonna move soon.

PA is starting to get life back. Another spike and we should be on our way. :smiley:

That has been my thought all afternoon I guess this is where I am suppose to set on my hands so I don’t get board and trigger happy. :smiley:


Following G/u Like a dog following a piece of meat…the 1hr chart is starting to show a lil sign of a possible crossover…too where the 15M is showing a sign of crossover…Whatdda guys think…Wheres the short begin ? =)

Mike G

We got a 15M Crossover Signal… COME ON 1H!

Don’t trust the ma cross the ma needs to be going up or down and lined up and they are only used to confirm your main signal


on G/U ? 15m still looks pretty flat to me, Like a dead guy in the ER, flatline.

and Cas said a spike, think it will spike up a bit before it heads down? How much I wonder? Would that be stop hunting?