Bollinger band trading with MAs


4% decline in distillate means a decline in refinery runs. That means a draw on gasoline stockpiles.

Refineries cut production if there is high gasoline stockpile and vice versa. It doens’t mean a drop in consumption.

Nevertheless a drop in consumption might have happend. But that is not a factor in oil inventories. Oil inventories are about projected future demands.

Hi everyone

I have been away for a couple days. No trading and not keeping up with the thread.

Yesterday was my wife’s birthday so I had to be nice to her no trading no internet.

I stayed up too late last night and over slept this morning. So I misted the BB bounce @ 13:00 GMT on the E-U.

I thought I had a reversal on the 16:00 candle and entered @ 1.4941 settled for a 14 pip loss.

It looks like I should have stayed in just reentered @1.4931.

Oh man im losing alot on E-U idk what to do …

I got stopped out but not till after a nice gain. Now I’m just entering a long position on USD/CHF.

I just lost alot of dough on the E/U Buy…like 35 pips…Marchant how promising does that long look on USD/CHF

It won’t be much, I think. This is what I’m seeing on the 1H, looks like a morning star candle pattern with the MA crossover:

On the 15m chart you can tell we’re heading for a Bollinger squeeze, but I’m going to see how much I can get out of it:

I also like to look at MT4 for my 5m charts just to see if I have the STARC bands in my favor before making an order:

(Incidentally, I’m partially color-blind with some shades of red and green, so I have the funky greenish color there and use a black line for the other MA.)

Interesting…im gonna place a buy and see if i can gain 10-20 pips out of it

Careful, it might be running out of gas already at this point. I might just grab my 15 pips and call it a trade.

Thank you! that makes much more sense.

Yeah I didn’t place a trade. I need to find one where I can almost guarantee a good trade. I need to make up for what iv’e lost. Gonna examine a few of the major pairs,but I really cant do anything until I have a set in stone Chart setup…im still running blind.

  • Mike G

Anyone know what the correct setup for charts is currently? Colors. Periods. Types. and Time frames? Whats qorking the best basically… trying to redo my charts. so I can start trading again lol thanks

-Mike G

The first attached pic shows the difference between the 6 EMA and 6 LWMA

The second attached pic shows the difference between the 4 EMA and 6 LWMA

the thin gray line is the price line

all based on the close

don’t pay attention to the stoch behind and below the curtain

Anything else I need to know D-pip? Btw you don’t use Dealbook you said right? Still cant figure out if this program even has a LWMA. I might have to use EMA’s instead = /

-Mike G

Actually I don’t know the settings for the 5m & 15m. I’m working the “Advanced Trend Line Trading with SSD” strategy also posted by R Carter and I really like it! I also try to trade the London breakout-1. I’ve become an R Carter groupie! LOL If you study his strategies you’ll find he’s the real deal.

I won’t mention any names but IMO some of the other “big names” here at in babypips land can’t trade their way out of a paper bag. But they all have great intentions, mean well and truly want the best for everyone! know what I mean?

PS And R Carter is very funny and there’s nothing like a good laugh after losing all your money!

Indeed…so Your using a 1h/4h Setup with what kinda lines? And colors… …honestly ive tried to find the final word from R Carter’s Strat but i cant see to find the current setup and strategy… Im sucha noobieeeeeeeeeeeee

-Mike G

I use Dealbook - I just use the moving average weighted.
The difference, if any, will be marginal.


Okay enough with my ranting…So now that my asumption was correct… whats the best chart combo and strategy?

Up to you of course but why not pick 1 pair, study the hell out of it :slight_smile:

Indeed im still watching E/U I just wanna get my charts setup correctly… and re learn my guide lines for entering and exiting. lol

You’ll find a few reading through the thread. I’ll give you my favourite and that’s simply trading the 15min MAs at S/R points. I sometimes trade 5min or 15min bollinger bounces depending on the setup but you have to be careful with these and safest to trade ones only in the direction of the 1hr trend.
I’m still using 3/6/9/14 LWMAs. I use the crossover of 3 and 9 as the initial signal and if it goes past 14 I’m almost definitely in for the trade.
I have the 4hr, 1hr, 15min, and 5min chart up (but I take less notice of the 5min now). Draw all the usual S/R lines on the 4hr and 1hr charts and go with that to start with.