Bollinger band trading with MAs

BB with LWMA’s…Im not all that great though…Im watching the 15m right now.

I use stochastic on metatrader4 I think it’s exactly the same only different. or maybe it’s identical just a different name for it. k%=10, d%=4, ma method = simple, set up limits of 20 and 80

R.C. not a good start for me either but I’m sure you’re doing better than I am. Since you’re listening to youtube, check out this one, I just learned to play it, need to get a camera so I can upload a video
YouTube - Mississippi Fred McDowell - You gotta move

Thanks. I have done as you suggested.

Yeah. I m in that trade too.Let us see how things go.

Hey talon…if your still around i need some advice. I went short as I said above ina post and things seem to be going pretty decent. i did this short via the 15m chart…Would it be safe to leave this trade over night? Where should i put my SL/TSL and my LS? Thanks

Mike G

Oh. I m not sure it is a good idea to leave this overnight because i look at the 1 hr and 4hr charts,they all point to upward trend,not downward.That is just my own opinion.Other may differ.

I’m not the best one to ask advice. Almost everytime I’ve left a trade overnight I’ve lost pips, last night being an exception. I actually have a buy right now because everyone keeps saying the pair is going to drop but it hasn’t yet, it just keeps going up. and I’m trying to follow my idea of trading the ma when it crosses the center bollinger line on the 1h chart. So tonight I have a sell that’s been going on for a while since the MAs crossed up. and I’m going to let it ride overnight in hopes it will continue up. Of course it’s real flat right now during the Asian session so we’ll see what the morning brings. I’ve got about 100 pip stop on that but it’s a small lot size trade so if I loose that it’s still only about 2 or 3 % of my account.

one other thing, If you’ve made some pips maybe go ahead and close the trade and lock them in. or move a trailing stop to break even. minimizing losses is half the battle

hmm! I should take my own advice sometimes

yeah see my account aint as large as yours so m SL should be alot let hopefully 30 pips isnt too little.

oh I started with $50 and it’s not much more than that now. I use oanda so I can trade very small lots. As little as 1 gbp if I wanted to. so you can make the pips small enough to fit your account.

I figure if I can’t increase 5o up to 100 or more then there’s no point putting in 500 or 1000 and blowing it. so I started small. Actually lost down to about 25 before I started breaking even and making some. I guess I’m a slow learner. I’ve had a great teacher but I’m not always such a good student

Mike in a few hours as the London session starts to open the PA might start whipping up & down so be careful with that open short trade, okay?


Your an inspiration…id love to make my 250 account into 1k…at some point…just gotta learn alot more i suppose. question is though how do you do a 100 pip stop loss with that much money in there? they dont liquadate the account if it gets under a certain margin percent?

no I’m not up to 1k yet. I’m not much over 50, what I meant was that once I’ve build that up to say 100 then I’ll feel confident enough to put in another 5oo or 1000 without too much fear of blowing it.
so I’m still haven’t gotten there yet. But I will eventually ! That’s the spirit!

If you start pretty small,you may earn small.No risk, no reward,no pain,no gain,no gut,no glory.
250 is incredible too low in my opinion.

By the way, i am a risk-taker,not risk-averse.

yeah i caught myself when i re read that and edited my post. lol Any way i put up my SL/LS and im gonna hit the hay…hopefully il be up intime for NY opening in the morning. Tomorrow id like to make some process on my strats and gain some serious pips for once.I think im starting to get the hang of things a little lol night all!

Mike G

If you can’t double 50 up to 100 then how are you going to double 250 up to 500? I need to prove to myself that I can double my account before I commit more to it. Besides starting with 50 you only have to double it 15 times to have more than a million. so I don’t see any downside to starting that small. And I don’t want to be the poor sucker gambling in the casino, I want to be the bloke what owns the joint :smiley:

anyway, it’s all about percentage.

actually my goal is to make at least 20 pips a day consistently, more if possible but at least that.

by the way, that was my cokney accent. it doesn’t translate well into text. but you should hear it lol
wow, you can’t say that word on the forum, they bleep it out. :eek:

nite all

good trading tomorrow.

GU doesn’t seem to know which way to go.
The last 4 x 4hr candles have all been long wicks.

Whats wrong with ‘****ney’ Admins? It’s a person born within the sound of the ‘Bow bells’ in the East end of London. :slight_smile: You need to change your filter, is it just the four letter word or is it part of a longer word?

Yes I think we could earn more today in Mc ‘D’. I’ve had a long on EUR/USD since around 21:00 last night and I’m up 8 pips. :smiley: GU is exactly at equilibrium on the day chart but high on the bollinger.


Im gonna try your London breakout strat for today’s Five cancdle. Could you possibly guide me on the Swing High/Low candles when I post up the chart im using and show you which one i determined to use? Thanks

Mike G