Bollinger band trading with MAs

Traded the 5m GU today on 20:1 and 20:2 boll with a 3:1 boll tunnel. Its been fun! :smiley:

As soon as PA had the down angle on the middle boll were you taking shorts from the 20:1 closing at the 20:2? Presume entrance is only if the 3:1 is flattening?

I didnā€™t trade the afternoon but got a 50pip boll bounce trade in this morning.

Have a good weekend :slight_smile:


If you take a look at the set up youā€™ll see today it has been clockworkā€¦ I even took the previous down at the center line of the 20:2/20:3. This morning its was at the 20:2 boll but when the 4/5 oā€™clock angle on the 20:2/20:3 center line boll formed it was trades at the 20:1 and center line. :slight_smile:

tried trading the bounces some today with a little success. But the big gain was on the drop on my 1h :slight_smile:

have a great weekend everyone

Where did you get in and out on the 1h mike? I suspect you did well today. :slight_smile:

I sold at about 1.65240 and out at about 1.64580 whatā€™s that, about 66 pips, not to bad. If it wasnā€™t Friday afternoon Iā€™d probably stay in. Maybe I could have gotten in earlier but all that bouncing around was spookin me. Got to work on my psycology.

I did make a few earlier doing the bollinger bounce. But Iā€™m still having a little trouble there. What happens is I see price going down and MAs pointing down so I sell but thatā€™s at the lower bb and then it turns around on me. At least when I did that I didnā€™t close out at a loss and waited for it to come back down to me. So making some progress!


What MAā€™s youā€™re talking about hereā€¦?

3,6,9ā€¦or whateverā€¦?

You donā€™t need them. ā€˜Tunnel of 5ā€™ takes care of that. On 5m anyway. All what you need is the Bolls and follow the rules.

Most important rule on 5mā€¦donā€™t know about 15m because I donā€™t trade ā€˜Tunnel of 5ā€™ on that TF but I would think it applies there tooā€¦as I see itā€¦PA entered ā€˜Tunnel of 5ā€™ā€¦sit on your handsā€¦wait and do nothing. :smiley:

And whatā€™s that about hedgingā€¦? I get the impression you got that mixed up and/or not getting it what hedging is.

Alsoā€¦from my experience I can confirm that this strat works as sweet with USDCAD as it does with EU, GU and WTI. :D:D:D

I have a 3,7, 14 lwma on all my charts, maybe I should take it off the 5m.
what happened is price was headed down, the MAs were pointed down so I figured a sell. How do you know when price is going to bounce off the outer bb or just keep following along it? so price turned and headed up. I recognized my mistake (getting better :slight_smile: ) and had the confidence to wait for price to hit the upper bb and come back down to my sell entry so I could close it without a loss. But what I was thinking is that I could have hedged that sell when I realized I had made a mistake and neutralized it. Then I could have done a sell at the upper bb which is where I should have in the first place, make a few pips on the way back down and then exit that one. and at the same time exit the original bad sell and hedge. So basically I was thinking hedge the original bad sell just so I wouldnā€™t see it going into negative pips so I would ā€˜feelā€™ better about it. Well that was my thinking anyway. Do critique me, I want to learn. The good thing is that I did recognize the bad trade not long after I did it and price started going the other way, what a bonehead. I may be slow but Iā€™ll get there eventually.

Hi Mike

The problem is not with your reasoning its that your trading the 1h whilst doing another jobā€¦ tough call. :slight_smile:

I have drawn an upper green line at the upper bolls on the 5m chart where you could have entered at any point on the 1h chart and either exited at the lower line or left the trade running. The precise point was not the issue as PA was ranging in an ever widening arc but the key point was in a downward direction.

As you know, price will whipsaw but normally in one direction overall. Perhaps you might consider the 4h chart? Its usually good for 2-3 trades a week and several hundred pips. The 2:1 tunnel is also much less inclined to false directional change. Perfect for the guy with a real job. :slight_smile: Expand to 500% for better view.

Can some one explain what your doing with BB? I skimmed through this thread but its 155 pages long!

Glad to see your backā€¦ hope the truck is now OK. :slight_smile:

Basically this is not a hard system to follow. I posted a chart a few posts backā€¦ take a good look at 500% and see what price does in relation to BBā€™s.

The key is to use a 20:2 and 20:1 boll and a smaller time boll 1:2 - 1:5 that forms a tunnel within the bigger/ larger bolls. At the wicks outside the 1:2 -1:5 boll is a possible buy/sell signalā€¦ confirmed by a reversal of the tunnel. On a level 20:2/ 20:1 boll PA will usually move from outer boll to outer boll. When center boll is at an angle of 4-5 oā€™clock down trend (in an up trend 2 oā€™clock) PA will usually only go as far as the center line or max 20:1 boll. :slight_smile:

Thanks Carter - just getting to ask the same question as Shr1k. Is this the basis of trading the 5 min tunnel?

Yes in a ā€˜nutshellā€™ but you can trade any timeframe using this strat. If you hang around in this thread a week or so you will come across some very experienced traders who are using this system (mostly on a 5m or 15m time chart).

Its more of a ā€˜blogā€™ where we all input what timeframe we are using and the chart set up applicable. Hope to see more of you both. :slight_smile:

Thanksā€¦been following this blog since the inception. You guys are a great source of info and have helped me out tremendously!

Yepā€¦ Iā€™m convinced there are at least four people (those that contribute anyway) that actually make money trading FX hereā€¦ a revelationā€¦ not one of the 95% we hear so much about. :D:D:D

Donā€™t know if you include me in those four but Iā€™m starting to turn that corner. Iā€™ll have to start looking at the 4h I guess but the 1h is not too bad. I can look in about once an hour while at work so that works out pretty good. I try to resist the 15m but itā€™s hard to do especially first thing in the mornings. I need to scroll my charts back and practice the ranging times. The trends are easy.

I hope within the year I will be included in that alsoā€¦my body says itā€™s too old to fight fire anymore :-)!


I am with [B]R Carter[/B] here.

On top of it you are trying to approach your trading as if you had [B]full[/B] 24 hours a day to do it. It dosnā€™t work that way with a day job that keeps you at least 10 hours away from trading.

Try to find a TF and strat that fitā€™s in with your day job and limited available time and headspace dedicated for trading.

Suggested 4h TF might just be the solution. It boils down to what I said beforeā€¦you gonna find your very own way of trading instead of hopping from one horse to the next so to speak. :smiley:

[B][I]Shr1k[/I][/B] & [B][I]sikday[/I][/B]

Welcome to the Bollie Bounces. :slight_smile:

[B]Shr1k[/B], might be picking some sweets off the market here without to high of a price to pay. :wink:

Actually Iā€™ve been looking at the 4h some as in the fan line thread but trying to trade the 1h.

Its funny I never looked at this thread and all last week on demo I was using a 20:2 and a 5:2 on a h1 chart. Great minds think alike ( I am giving my self to much credit :p)I have had problems in a trend as I always try to trade a reversal and the trend just keeps right on moving along. I will add the 20:1 and try trading with the trend off the outer band on the 20:1 boll.

I donā€™t under stand R Carter here

The key is to use a 20:2 and 20:1 boll and a smaller time boll 1:2 - 1:5 that forms a tunnel within the bigger/ larger bolls

What are the setting you would use on the smaller boll? I was trying to get an approximation of a m15 20:2 boll on my h1 chart.

As for sweets I just got back from taking my 3 kids trick or treating and I have eaten so much candy the thought of a candy jar analogy makes me sick. I cant even imagine what an outing like that would be like with 12 kids WOW!!:eek::eek: