Bollinger band trading with MAs

Careful of the low from the 14th - 1.6520.
I would have bought this morning but I’m not up at 6GMT though I probably should be to catch some moves. I’m waiting for the 5min chart to turn bearish (price in the lower half of the bollinger) or see price put in a definite move past 1.6520.
Yes, there is a kind of pseudo bottom there on the 1hr but I’ve seen patterns fail more than once so I don’t really trust them.

well at least I closed out before the drop and only made a little. at least I didn’t loose any this time.
So now should I sell? or is it too late?

The 1hr bollinger is still a bit flat but price is still in the top half meaning bullish. However, the 5 and 15min have now moved into bearish territory (MAs crossed and lower half bollinger). Thinking maybe should have sold at 1.6505 when they crossed. This is also a bounce trade from the bollinger ceiling on the 1hr (see the wick candle?) - might have been good for 20 pips or so.


Took that trade on the 5m chart at 1.6513 now plus 30. Green 3 ma is still outside the three red ma. Watching closely. :slight_smile:

Price bounced off resistance at 1.6527. Now will it track all the way down to 1.6453?

No :slight_smile:
Strange, your LW 3MA almost exactly tracks a 5,8,9 MACD


Your right! At least it does on the 5m chart. Tried it on the 1h and its hopeless. :slight_smile:


Tried it on the 15m not a close match there either?. Still think no? Looks like it going to go through that number. :smiley:

That will do me! I’m out at 70 + pips. Off to catch a great game of Rugby. :smiley:

Good trading guys! :slight_smile:

Nice…if only I sold when I knew I should have. Didn’t make a single trade today - oh well…

R Carter

Do you use the same LWMA’s for EURUSD and GBPUSD pair…?

I set up 3,6 for the GBPUSD pair. I am getting the impression it gives me the quickest signals.

With the EURUSD I am in two minds about it.



I only trade GU. Last night was an exception… just thought I would give it a go. As you know GU basically tracks EUR/USD but offers more trading oportunities and bigger moves.

I was using 2&4 LWMA on my 1h chart. But after a good play around last night. I am using LWMA set to 3 (green) and 6/9 and 14 (red) on all charts (5m, 15m and 1h). Been using the 5m today with good results. Picked up a 70 + pip trade earlier and now up 30 + on the most recent down. :slight_smile:


I posted this set up last night. I have suggested waiting till price steps outside the bollinger and wicks… then place a trade when ma confirms overbought/ retrace.

Lol - we thought you were out for the day watching rugby :slight_smile:
I took the down as well from 1.6494. I was just expecting a bounce as the bollingers were flat on the 5min chart but it’s gone a lot further.
I wasn’t sure about this one after the up move again but seeing it bounce from the same resistance point on the 1hr chart, I thought it might be good for 10-20pips. Closed out for +30.


Rugby game over. Son’s first game of the season (Gloucestershire County player) left wing. He’s quick!!! 3rd in SW at 200 m and 19th in UK. :smiley:

Nice…used to be a scrum half myself though I started playing a lot more cricket instead :slight_smile:


Just bailed out of that trade at + 37 pips. Thats me done for the day. :smiley:

R Carter

Yeah, I found your post from last night. Thx.

Leaving Bollinger Bands aside for a minute. Do you place any particular emphasis on [B]one[/B] of them [6,9,14] or doesn’t it matter …?


The 3 (green) ma is the early indicator and tracks price closely. If I’m in a trade and it cuts into or through the other three slower ma’s, I’ll bial out with whatever I’ve collected so far. But on an up say, if green is riding outside (above) the reds, the trade is still good. Its a judgement call when the 3 ma cuts into an otherwise red move up or down. Is price merely consolidating? Or has it run out of steam? (thats were the Bollingers come in).

As a rule of thumb, look for all or as many of the ma’s to line up in a particular direction and its usually good for a significant move. Especially if the ma’s have tightend. The reverse i.e. the ma’s widening is usually indicative of price running out of steam and a possible change of course.

R Carter

In regards to Bollingers…When a wick has appeared outside the Bollingers through a retracement…let’s say in an up move…do you wait for a color change on that particular candle or can it be any candle [B]after[/B] that…?

Also, do you wait for a close on a candle or do you enter as soon as O/B is confirmed via wick, color change and Ma’s…?

Right :).
The above made it clear. Thx.
We are not looking for cross overs instead we are looking [B]at the way[/B] the MA’s “travel”. :slight_smile: