Bollinger band trading with MAs

1/ Daily / 4hr entry timed on the 1hr (and possibly lower TFs)
2/ 1hr entry timed on the lower TFs
3/ 5 & 15min trend trading (counter trend under the right circumstances)
4/ 5 min boll bounces on certain PA days
5/ 1hr middle boll crossover trades

As I see it, I could trade the above flavours. So far, I have been doing 2, 3, & 4 but for all the 1hr trades I have usually been exiting at the 1hr middle bollinger (usually coincides with something reasonable on the 15min chart like the lower boll) unless PA was obviously diving through to the other side. It is these trades that I was trying to bodge into being a 1hr crossover trade but as cas said that’s changing the plan halfway - I just had a hunch that the risk would be lower doing this than entering a trade right on the middle bollinger (or as LWMAs crossover) but that strat requires a slightly modified way of thinking about the SL management than entering from OB/OS scenarios.

Trading the daily chart but hedging on the 1hr, you still have an exit point for the 1hr trade don’t you?

All the above works for me. :smiley: On the daily TF trade, I have lifted the 1h hedge twice. Once when 2:1 stepped outside the 5:1 on the retrace and just recently when 2:1 again stepped outside the 5:1 on the second retrace but also hit the 5 o’clock center 20:2 boll. So hopefully its south on the Asian. :slight_smile:

2:1, 5:1 on the 1hr? Got a chart? :slight_smile:
I presume you mean point D on the attached
all long hedges…
A: did you hedge here? Flatter boll, target could be a bit further
B: here? I think this was news actually so probably not
C: strong downtrend, not necessarily a good place to counter trade without PA knowledge
D: support and downtrend trailing off, 1hr middle boll in downtrend so exit trade at middle.

Your chart is hard for me to read lol. Entered short on daily at three solid candles past ‘B’. Hedge lifted after ‘C’ plus C+1, missed C2 :p. ‘D’ plus D1 and recent candles red. It def helps if the 2:1 is on the candle chart. :smiley:

Thanks that is what I thought you meant look at the charts for the last couple days.

I am going to try this for a while I have been getting to antsy lately with the PA bouncing up and down and then not going anywhere the I take a brake when I get back the PA had already taken off and I am tempted to jump in with out thinking. So far I have been able to wait it has been hard but that is a lessen CAS told me to obey and I am working hard on it.

I tried a trade yesterday with this strat and got 42 PIPs off it. I can’t count how many times I wanted to bale but I trusted the BB’s and the tunnel and it worked. I’ll keep trying on demo until I am comfortable before I try it live.

Certainly good advise. :slight_smile: I’ll try and follow it. :smiley: Getting jumpy myself… daily still suggests a down but middle 20:2 boll on the 1h is just starting to level off a bit… keep looking over my shoulder for the guy with a base ball bat just waiting for a knock out blow! :smiley:

I should know better… its the fake out breakout! :wink:

I think I read somewhere that is what the early Asian session is known for.

All time frames M5 thru the Daily look North bound.

You sure it is a fakeout?

So true.

Reminds me of my first trade in Oil a couple of years back. I made 23 pips trading 15m. I felt so proud of myself. I felt like I had just concequered the Oil universe. :smiley: Only until I found out that experienced oil punters made 140 pips by catching the whole move on 1h because that was the TF to trade for certain situations when Oil moves. I never forgot that. :slight_smile:

hmmm… fake breakout?

Well, if that’s what suits you and you can keep the pips flowing…I’m all for it. :smiley:

That 5m,15m trading mentality of yours would drive me around the bend. :smiley: I couldn’t do it. I am not suited for it. But there you go…we all need/had to find our own way of trading that suits us psychologically and our mentality. :slight_smile:

[B]SURE[/B] well theres a fairly finite term that doesnt belong in FX… you sure your not an Analyst… they are always sure!. :smiley:

I am talking about the 1h up. Daily 2:1 boll is crossing over so too early to judge. In my experience PA will make a break north on a major S/R daily but am not convinced yet its a genuine reversal. But if your trading the 5m and 15m go with the bolls. :slight_smile:

Oh yee of little faith.

Whats your 20:2 1h boll doing just now?

Edit… well kiss my shiney metal ass. :D:D:D

I took the trade off the H4 it is up 36 pips and stalled I see too much resistance ahead I am going to take my ball and go home.
I’ll wait and see what happens next I,m getting good at waiting to good at it really. But I’ll learn someday

Sorry Mike… the kids watch Futurerama and its their favourite saying. Absolutely no offence intended, :stuck_out_tongue:

futurama? never heard of it but then I don’t have kids. I wondered where you got that phrase! lol

well 1h boll is pointed down, but price and my MAs were headed up and touching it, I though sure they would cross, but now headed down again.

I just don’t get it.

Yea…my kid is a futurama nut also. So here is where I get a bit confused. 1hr is heading below mid bol, stoch is showing a down trend, and 4hr level with stoch under. My inexperienced gut reaction is to wait until??? not sure until what? Am I missing any important signals?

PA overall is still heading south on the 1h chart. But were into the Asian… depends what TF your using. Over all look to the downside but within your TF chart. Night all… I’ve got a date with Oil guru’s in the morming (lol… its 01.52 here).

Good morning to you and a happy Friday!

I’ve not traded this way yet, just back tested. I’ve been looking at this method as a scalping technique only. I have only looked at it in ranging periods, obviously when it’s in a big trend like it is now, it doesn’t work. However, taking into account what you said yesterday, scalping the bounce is probably more reliable.

You need to understand that i’m a total pleb at this right now but learning plenty each day. I’d rather just be told “listen bud, that’s wrong and totally daft”. I can take it!

I’ve read so many systems and back tested so many that I didn’t know whether I was coming or going for a while. I am now sure that this is the right system to use and it suits my trading style (or the style I want to trade!) so i’ve just got to keep working at getting my small brain around it all.

Every time I think i’m getting it, someone throws another curved ball at me like “don’t trade in the tunnel of 5” or something. Wha…

If that major support .6480 doesn’t hold GU might “fall off the cliff”. :smiley:

Judging by the solid 1h candles the odds are pretty good. One of those days to pile in the lots. :slight_smile: