I’m a newbie in this bussiness, so I need to learn alot from you all.
From a different forum I have read about the use of Bollinger bands with 2 different standard deviations for example :
-Bollinger bands period 20 with deviations 2.0 and
-Bollinger bands period 20 with deviations 2.5
With this setup we should have 4 outer band and 1 middle band.
The problem is that I can not construct it on my MT4 platform.
Can somebody help me to construct this setup?
I really appreciate your help in this matter.
Looking forward to hearing from you all very soon and HAPPY TRADING
Thank you very much for your reply.
Please forgive me for my stupidity, but I still do not understand how to do the minor adjustment for the 20, 2.5 bands.
Can you please explain to me in detail where do I have to look for this custom
indicator window and what to click in order to construct the second bands on my platform
I really appreciate your help in this matter.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon and HAPPY TRADING always
‘Bands’ is in the custom indicators… click on custom indicators and you will see ‘Bands’… click on that and the menu will open, click on the 2.0 and it will open so you can change the number of std dev…
I think everyone has trouble getting used to a new software so you need not worry about asking questions…
You might consider looking at std dev of 1.5 also after you get happenin with this