Bout time to step out the matrix

Dear yourself,

Couple weeks into this forex shitz, i’m hearing ‘Forex influencers’ talking about how they trained 8 years blah blah to get to the point they are at. Listen… i’m trying to be like Itachi Uchiha. I wanna be insanely skilled at Forex within the first couple months, not years, look at a chart and know what to do within SECONDS. So anyone who reads this let me know if that’s remotely possible if not I don’t care i’ll prove you wrong aanndd let me know any tips and tricks you have for using babypips or any mistakes that you made that are good to avoid.


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Seems like you have all the answers, which is like living in social media fantasy land.
Best of luck, as you’ll need it.

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You have TRY and find out for yourself everything accessible(for trading)these days

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Please, please, please create a journal thread! I’d love to see it and I think the others would too!


This is what I thought till I made 120+ on my first week lool. And social media fantasies are made by fraud and egotistical people, I know a hood guy on YouTube that does no bs videos on forex whilst he’s swimming in money.

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I will do, save my account some way at the end of this month and I will post the best analysis and methods that worked for me. Real Raw, im gonna end up putting 10 g’s into this until I find the juice.

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I will dip my toes into everything.

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Yes, you do have the mindset that will bring you money and lose you money. Give it six months to see if you’re swimming in money like your hooded guy, or have blown your account. If you follow on telegraph live trading when he returns from holiday in September, you’ll be in easy street.

Best of luck.


Thank you for the plug but daymn I’m looking at 6 weeks not months :shushing_face::rofl:

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How’s it going?

I too would like to know how it’s going @mszymczak!

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Wasted a whole 10 g’s in the space of… nah i’m kidding my knowledge meter is increasing, I am currently gathering a good handful of techniques and am soon going to back-test all of them, familiarize myself and personalize them to my own style. The downside of back-testing is that you won’t know how the fundamental and sentimental factors affected the price action in the past so if your analysis doesn’t fall through, you could point it at a bunch of reasons, leaving you confused.

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going all in on your failure. easy money

Well?? Are you there yet? It’s been a while…