It looks like the [I]BabyPips[/I] forum is currently enjoying a rather substantial increase in popularity.
Over the last few weeks, the average number of active users has oscillated around 600-800 at any given time (weekends excluded).
A few days ago this average increased hugely, to well over a thousand; as I type this post, 1229 users are active, about 80% of which are guests.
What do you think has caused this sudden rise?
What is the coolest thing about [I]BabyPips[/I], and what could be improved?
This is, of course, just a ‘fun thread’ … BP management had nothing to do with my opening it.
But maybe Admins and Mods will stumble over it, and might find some user opinions (praise and criticism) interesting to read.
I would say as a newbie its resources are excellent such as the school and the usera
Here dont make me feel like an idiot when i ask those obvious stupid newbie questions
Its a great community plus the iphone app helps me keep up to date when im on the move
Great though your fora are, Dale, I’d stick a little more Forex in there, it’d be standing roomo only before you know it lol!!
I’d second that, including the part about the iPhone app.
I also think that the Mods strike the best balance on here that I have seen. They allow for the odd, ahem, frank exchange of views, but they weed out any nastiness. Threads also tend to stay on-topic. Mostly.
I have tried a couple of other fora, and just got flamed by people who disagreed with me. And once I 'fessed to having paid for education, it just got worse!! So this is an altogether much more professional environment.
It’s always nice to hear from you. I read your posts whenever you post but really never have anything worthwhile to add to your quality content!!! LOL!!!
I’d LOVE to add some FOREX in there but I cannot KNOWINGLY make ‘false promises’ to people. I KNOW that I MYSELF CANNOT make money trading FOREX. Not with my trading systems. So it would be a total con to purport otherwise. THAT BEING SAID: I’ve managed to coerce someone into providing FOREX content that I KNOW to be profitable. Problem: it’s not MY style of trading. Why don’t YOU join up and provide some MORE QUALITY FOREX content??? I’ve nothing against FOREX traders or FOREX. It’s just not something that’s been profitable FOR ME and I REALLY DO suspect it’s simply the nature and design of my favoured trading systems. Nothing more.
As far as BabyPips is concerned:
NO QUESTION it’s the best FOREX site and forums around. For the MOST part (99% of the time): it attracts DECENT and ‘nice’ people and is without question the best when it comes to moderation (although I’m still ‘pised’ that my ‘Britney Spears’ thread was deleted i.e. a WHOLE DAY’S WORTH OF WORK GONE in an instant because the person, or rather the ‘snake oil salesman’, that I was 'taking the pis’ out of, ‘lost his marbles’ eventually and totally ‘lost it’)!!! LOL!!!