Brand New Beginner

Hi there. Golfgrub from Perth Western Australia. I’ve precious little trading experience and up until now listened to a range of podcasts and wanted to get my feet wet so to speak. I’d like to learn to trade in the desire to be able to earn an income in my retirement (4 years time).

There are other easier ways to make money online to help with retirement but if you want to learn trading then do so without any financial expectation and you’ll probably do ok. Most come into trading with the idea of making money but quickly realise you have to forget about it to succeed.

Welcome to the community! Sounds like you’ve got a good amount of time to learn before you retire, so as long as you stay with it you should do well. Good luck!

Learning to trade is a misnomer in that I could teach you in one hour how to trade. It’s that simple. What is difficult is being on the right side of a trade if you want to make a profit. There are only two options on this zero sum venture - win or lose.

As around 80% traders are losers the learning element is all about yourself - whether you can develop a profitable method and stick to the process for every trade, which losers don’t, and whether you have a detached mindset when following live trades, otherwise FEAR and PAIN will win the day, and you will join the losing pack.

IMO, one of the best new trading books is The Zen Trader by Peter Castle. That’s for winners.

Best of luck.

@Golfgrub Welcome to babypips …