Brand New to baby pips

Hey everyone, brand new to this site so any advice is welcome. My name is Tara, I’m 34 and a nurse full time. I want to ensure that I can still make money when I’m older because even though I’m 34 being a nurse with prior military experience, is not good for the body. So, I want to use this platform as a substitute for the daily grind at the hospital.

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Hi, good first step is finish the BP education section, then practice on demo account. Regards Greg

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Welcome Tara! Just open a demo account at the broker of your choice and start trading… maybe you’re a natural…

Comeback and ask whatever you need after you wet your feet in the water

All the best

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Hello, welcome to the forum. Definitely check out education tab or an online forex course to start your learning then open a demo account to practise what you learn. Good luck

Yes, these aspects are extremely important to pay attention to. Otherwise, the result may be unpleasantly surprising.

Nobody can be a natural :joy:

I’d advise you go through the training section. Watch tutorial videos from verified experts not some a $60 - $1000000 in a day video. Feel free to ask questions at the forum. After a period of time you’ll be good to go

Hi! Good luck with your trading. Check out the school of pipsology. It’s great for foundation.