Pretty close call, thus far, just like it was
with the Sep.2014 Scotland Independence
…and, for comparison, the narrow lead also
displayed by one side only days before the
‘Scoxit’ referendum, which in the end did not
come to pass:
Economically not much has changed in the UK
and whether it is Scotland leaving the UK or
the UK leaving Europe, people are still afraid
of more instability and more austerity… Things
‘seem’ to be improving on the jobs front, so
in spite of the ‘Big Bad Brussels’ debate there is
some optimism that suggests that rocking the boat
at this point would just make it all worse again…
The murder of MP Jo Cox yesterday may spark
conspiracy theorists into saying that it was orchestrated
to shock the nation into feeling that a ‘Britain First’
(which apparently is the far-right party the murderer
has an allegiance to) would be one where nationalists
roam the streets hunting down pro-Eu fellow citizens…
I do not hold that view, but certainly the tone of the
debate has changed, revealing how violence has an
immediate resonance and is a reminder that calm is
paramount on the lead-up to the 23rd June vote.