'Brexit?' ... My new strategy video


[B]Hello traders,

given that ‘Brexit’ has been the next best trading topic since ‘Grexit’,

and one that has had many people reaching for the fear button,

I gave my thoughts on this in my new video, trying to cover how this

could shape sentiment and, in turn, FX trading around Pound pairs.

Enjoy, comment, and subscribe/like![/B]

You might find this webinar FXCM are running on Weds interesting

https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3380776527034603012?btn1&utm_campaign=2016 03 07 FXCM LTD Brexit Webinar&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua

Thanks Eddie,

I was looking at it this morning but I will be teaching,

so if you attend it would be interesting to know what

it was like… I imagine that it will be recorded…

Thanks, regardless :slight_smile:

I think the Brexit is going to continue to affect EUR/GBP and GBP/USD currency pairs as the referendum campaign develops I think traders should be continuously watching the news coverage in order to ensure they can best judge which way these currency pairs will go.

Hello Gene; I do not disagree, and the market will decide in the end; however, the fate of the Pound pre- and post-‘Scoxit’ in 2014 is not old history and shows just how insensitive markets can be to themes that the media portrays as life-changing or downright catastrophic for both real economy and financial services. I discussed the markets’s reaction to the ‘positive’ Scottish referendum outcome, which was…further Pound devaluation. My theory is that that event was a blip and market forces overrode it; equally a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote may not necessarily decide the value placed in Pounds by the markets to the 23rd June 2016 referendum.

EU referendum debate: MSPs vote overwhelmingly for UK to remain in EU - BBC News


It’ll be ironic if we need the ECB to prop up the pound following a Leave vote

‘One is not amused’ #OutCampaign

Well, we dont know for sure what would be the reaction. I am just staying on the sidelines.

There’s also a poll and a free webinar tomorrow here - Redirect Brexit Webinar — Forex Useful

This is also a great aggregation - EU referendum poll tracker - BBC News

Seems though that stock markets are more affected than currencies at the moment.

Stay save !

Yes, Jessica,

mine has (FXCM)… They e.mailed me twice already and also called me (and left a message)…

They are taking no chances and looking after their clients (and themselves) …

Good stuff :slight_smile:

That’s good PipMeHappy!

Brexit is approaching and everyone is super alert right now:20:

A different view, suggesting that post-Brexit Pound sell-off will be short-lived…

Pretty close call, thus far, just like it was

with the Sep.2014 Scotland Independence


…and, for comparison, the narrow lead also

displayed by one side only days before the

‘Scoxit’ referendum, which in the end did not

come to pass:

Economically not much has changed in the UK

and whether it is Scotland leaving the UK or

the UK leaving Europe, people are still afraid

of more instability and more austerity… Things

‘seem’ to be improving on the jobs front, so

in spite of the ‘Big Bad Brussels’ debate there is

some optimism that suggests that rocking the boat

at this point would just make it all worse again…

The murder of MP Jo Cox yesterday may spark

conspiracy theorists into saying that it was orchestrated

to shock the nation into feeling that a ‘Britain First’

(which apparently is the far-right party the murderer

has an allegiance to) would be one where nationalists

roam the streets hunting down pro-Eu fellow citizens…

I do not hold that view, but certainly the tone of the

debate has changed, revealing how violence has an

immediate resonance and is a reminder that calm is

paramount on the lead-up to the 23rd June vote.

Latest poll tracker shows a narrowing margin:

That’s probably wise, nothing is certain yet, no one know what’s going to happen.

I know the polls say its close, but almost everyone I’ve spoke to about this says they’re voting Leave and I’ve only seen Leave posters around.
Either the silent majority are all Remain, or we’re in for a shock

That is exactly what we lived through in Scotland (and Baz here will likely confirm)

when the Independence referendum came to pass: the ‘No’ people were silenced by the more

vocal, more feisty ‘Yes’ side…

This is exactly what is happening here: those who are not supporting radical change

are afraid of being called unpatriotic, or even assaulted, and after what happened

to Jo Cox, the MP, you can see why.

Make you wonder, are people going to be afraid of free speech or might get killed?