Brexit - your plans for the day

What is sad is that as an Honorary Member you don’t have the ability to see how your comments are both ignorante and hurtful.

The whole post was about Brexit and your original post stating the following:

Have a great day


Not seeing any. What’s up with that? BBC doesn’t like covering French protests?

What those outside of the UK did on Brexit Friday.

I like the Monty Python reference. If you’re down, here, listen to this. Hopefully it puts a smile on your face:

Sometimes things are not as simple as they might seem :rofl:


Superb satirical film btw - Highly recommended for a pisstake :rofl:

Bahaha, it’s all in the details. :joy:

Hmmm !

It’s not only the BBC - There is a new development in the UK regarding media

This is a brief explanation of what is going on and we wait to see how it develops :smiley:

However, with specidic regard to the BBC - here are two short vids which specifically address the BBC Bias - for example the Rally in Parliament Square which we have two links to above was reprted by teh bBBC as "…a couple of hundred people…"

And their corruption of historical facts for "Education of our children"

2 Old White men (Bothe highly respected, one an ex- BBC “Heavy Gun”) speaking of the BBC Bias
