Bridge Financial?

I was contacted by these guys and was wondering whether anybody has dealt with them? Thanks.

i was called by them a couple weeks ago and wasn’t impressed. they seemed to be unorganized and not really know much about what they were selling. wouldn’t trust my money to them.

I have received daily calls from them which I ignored until yesterday. Spoke with them and learned of their guaranteed deal to earn at least 10% for a mere $5000 fee. The guarantee applies if you keep your money in for a minimum of 12 months- of course you could be broke by then! Checked with the CFTC and found no record of them. I told them that and they called and said the money is held by another institution which is registered. They said that Joseph Zelinski has “8” years of trading experience. WOW! I told them I had 15 years and to take a hike!