Broker charges

Hi Gang I was wondering if brokers charge traders when they add or move stop losses in an open trade. For example if I move a stop loss to break even while a trade is open will the broker treat that as a new order and charge accordingly.

Brokers do not charge for orders. The costs involved in trading are only from execution of trades (orders fulfilled).

[QUOTE=rhodytrader;350011]Brokers do not charge for orders. The costs involved in trading are only from execution of trades (orders fulfilled).[/QUOTE Thank you for your reply. So I can move my stops as often as I like. No charge?

Yes. As often as you like.

my broker fxdialogue don’t charge any commissions and the cost is just spreads and they are very low. Many brokers have a lot of hidden charges but my broker don’t have any.

I am quite happy with it.