Broker Comparison List?

I new to trading and realize that there are a lot of brokers to choose from. Is there a comparison list, so I can figure out which ones might be best for my needs?


Hello GlennR,

You may use our Forex Brokers Guide to help you narrow down your list. :slight_smile:



That’s good info, and the it links to a blank broker comparison chart. I was hoping there is one with that type of info already compiled for a large number of brokers. I thought I’d stumbled across one a few weeks ago when I first began researching about Forex, but I don’t remember where I saw it… Maybe it was for stocks, but I’m thinking it was for Forex.

Have you seen anything like that?

If you go to this tab Meet the Forex Brokers, it will give you a list of the brokers. You can then select 3 brokers to compare side by side on this link Compare Forex Brokers. It won’t be a blank comparison chart if you select a broker from the dropdown box at the top of each column because the fields will be filled out. :slight_smile:


Sweet! :60:

Pipzilla you are awesome. That’s the list I was looking for. Now I can get down to business!

reconsider this too :wink:

Forex Brokers @ Forex Factory

I suggest to choose broker atleast older than 8 years :slight_smile: