Broker for high frequency trading

Hi, I’m looking for a broker that will work for high frequency trading. In other words, one that will allow it, has some sort of programmable platform and doesn’t charge per trade (like you pay interest or a monthly fee instead).

Does such an animal exist?

MB Trading in the US

I have been using lite forex for a little while now. And if your trade is profitable they will rebate you 1.5 pips on on a two pip spread so that equates to 1/2 pip spread if your trade is profitable. They do this for up to one mini lot per trade on their lite forex account. ($15 rebate max)

Not the fastest platform but I have been very profitable these past few weeks.

fxopen ecn is good for high frequency.

Yep. fxopen is great for high frequence :slight_smile:

Yes, fxopen is a good broker and I use their ecn as well.

Any idea for brokers that offer a proper API (eg. FiX) for your own software? As opposed to being forced to use MT4.

I’m aware of Dukascopy and the big prime brokerages but they have very high minimum deposit requirements.

I downloaded fxopen’s ECN demo and it seems like you’re still charged per trade? There’s a commission and spread?

I opened a 1.00 long on eurousd and it started about $17 in the hole?

Looking for one that starts at 0$ in the hole :wink: Am I SOL?

I was trying to set up an account with Lightspeed, but I was told they can’t help me because I’m Canadian. Can someone give me some ideas for some different brokerages which can help me? I’m living in Germany now, if that makes a difference. I would think it would because as soon as I’m a non resident of Canada, I don’t have a tax obligation to them. Thanks.

FXopen ECN have recently reduced their commissions.

you can never get 0 in the hole, you allways have the spread
you are buying at the bid and selling at ask
you should try a STP broker, FXCM is one of them
they don’t have commision, only spread