Can anyone recommend a broker that offers OIL and GOLD for trade?
Are you looking to trade the commodity itself, futures, stock in oil and gold companies…?
The best way to buy oil and gold in my opinion are index funds…
But I’d say tradestation probably has the best chance of carrying whatever you’re looking for. I haven’t used them but it looks like you can trade pretty much anything on there.
depends on what you want to trade? mini crude (electronic)? full size (pit)? mini gold (yg) or full sized? blah blah.
no. if youre interested in international companies, tradestation will not allow you to trade them.
now, if you’re just interested in trading the commodities themselves, then pretty much any broker out there can do it. especially like yg, es, er2, nq, qm, etc.
tradestations backtesting platform, in my opinion, is the best. with all the indicators and drawing tools, its pretty sweet. but it all comes with a cost.
[B]Odl is a good broker with tight spread…Also Northen finance is also a good broker though im not a customer of both but seem’s good to me…:rolleyes:
PipHacker!!! [/B]
On ABN AMRO Marketindex you can trade both forex and some popular commodities, oil and gold included.
Thanks much peeps.