I like to try NorthFinance, but have no important info about them. Anyone has any long time experience with them? Please post.Their cs doesn’t readily answer my questions or gives vague answers which leaves me with the same questions unanswered.
Go to the broker area and look for a thread by forexsaviour. He has posted some “questionable” concerns about them.
If they are not answering your questions satisfactorily BEFORE your account is open, that is not a good sign! I would find someone better.
I’m with FXCM and customer service is excellent. Others on this board however have had some complaints about their executions. Hard to find the ‘perfect’ broker, so good luck!
Please don’t be a pioneering hero.
Stick with FXCM, InterbankFX, or Oanda.
Any horrid review of above firms come from trolls, shrills, horrendously unwinning amateur traders, and people with hidden agendas.
And importantly, be wary of any firms not regulated and not operating in US, UK, or Canada. Stop reading fake to questionable reviews of above mentioned firms.
In regard to North Finance, it is painfully clear from their location to their marketing to their methods that they are looking for and attracting only low balance, low funds amateur traders. Some people erroneously think that their Belize location is a plus; it is not. It is a huge MINUS and a huge RED FLAG.
Make sure you use an ECN broker and not a FIXED SPREAD BANDIT (broker).
I have posted the reasons in a few other threads on this forum.