Broker that issues prepaid / debit cards AND support Paypal deposit/withdrawals

Hi! I’m looking for a broker that have prepaid or debit cards and support paypal deposits and withdrawals, with good spreads (let say, less than 4 pips on majors)

A broker that is thrustworthy, some one on which I can put my money knowing that I will be able to withdraw it without a problem.

And also that they support MT4. If possible, that they support mini accounts with 0.01 lot size for that mini accounts, and 5 digits.

Am I asking too much? hehehehe



you can get debit card from instaforex with $1 monthly fee.

I’m considering Instaforex… the only issue I see with them is the spreads…

I can’t find the spreads for some pairs like CADJPY…

I noticed last week that HotForex have just issued a debit card, may be worth having a look!

Charlie :smiley:

nice, a hotforex debit card? :slight_smile: i guess its worth looking into! but I might have troubles getting one here in south east asia! but I’ll give it a shot :slight_smile:

yeah a beautiful one I have noticed they have put a pic of it on the left side of the webpage when you log on into your live account ! and also they have announced it when they have got the Broker of the year award in Asia ! I think its a Mastercard which works with Payoneer !

Do you know about hotforex? is it a good broker? Is there a problem for making withdrawals?


My suggest is InstaForex…Hope it helpfull

Best Regards

Medisoft, I have never had a problem making a withdrawal, but you do have to print out the withdrawal form and then scan it back to them.


absolutely NO SIR,HotForex are easily for WD too…Hope it helpfull

Best Regards

I have doubts about instaforex, because the issue they have on

I’m not going to put my money on a broker that has non resolved scam type issue like Instaforex.

To sorry, because the services seem to be pretty good, but as someone said on this forum, the safety of my money is the most important thing.

I’m looking for hotforex, they don’t have any unresolved issue on forexpeacearmy, have good spreads and have the features I want.

I’m also trading with liteforex, same as hotforex.

Are prepaid debit cards a smart way to pay your children’s allowance? Some think so, for the lessons they teach about how transactions are made today. Others disagree, saying those lessons are better taught in a different way.