Broker that would work well in a Linux environment

Anyone have experience with these? I usually use a Linux environment on a daily basis. While I have a Windows machine, what I would really love to be able to do is trade on my Ubuntu box.

Anyone have experience in this?

I have been using Interactive broker through linux for quite a while now.

I really prefer the linux environment fyi- I use the multiple workspaces to organize my charts etc.

I have had success getting mt4 to work through wine but I haven’t traded with it - I merely use it for charting.

Then you can let run every win app on your linux box.

the Oanda java platform will work fine under Linux. Fxcm,PFG best and many others have web trading platforms that are java based and should run fine on linux or a mac. (hint… look for Mac trading on broker sites)

Thanks for this, is there anymore up to date info. available. TIA

Hi daydreamer, I use Ubuntu 12.04. The Oanda FXTrade web platform will work, but it didn’t play nice with OpenJDK and I had to install Oracle Java. For charting it leaves a bit to be desired, so I don’t really like it. I tried to set MT4 up through Wine, but as with all things Wine it’s just a jerry-rig and some features were broken.

I’ve been using VirtualBox with a Windows 7 VM to run MT4 for a while now and I am quite happy with it. I gave it 1GB RAM, about 1GHz of a quad-core processor, and 30GB HDD space and it runs pretty seamlessly. I keep it open in it’s own workspace and use CMD+TAB to switch directly to it.

I tried many things, even brokers which claimed to have Linux-native platforms. I can’t remember any names at this point, but the ones I tried were all broken in some capacity. A Windows VM through VirtualBox really is the best option at this current point in time.

Just an update, I am now using Linux Mint 17.

All features of MT4 are now working perfectly through Wine, and it isn’t eating up all of my CPU.