Broker with NY close charts


New to this forum and forex trading. Have been reading a lot about price action and I am now looking for a brooker that uses NY close on their daily charts. Been demotrading on Oanda until now with axitrader charts. So this is my question. What broker do I go with when opening my first real account? I need NY close and good spreads.

Have been looking at

I understand all these use NY close charts on daily.


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Sorry, but I’m confused.
You already have demo’ed on Oanda using Axi charts
You also have a list of good NY-close brokers
So what exactly is it that u need?

Or is it that u want to ditch Oanda for live a/c and have an NY-close broker for both charting and trading?
If yes, the list u have is of pretty good guys, so maybe u check their sites for any differentiator
I have live accounts with Axi and Pepper, no complaints in the time i’ve had them.
Taking everything into a/c, Axi are my all-time best


I am with Hotforex and I think they have decent spreads, they are variable and can go as low as 1.4 on EURUSD. I am an IB there and would love to have you on my team. I cant post links here yet, contact me on Skype and I can give u my link at roarke.dallas59. Thanks

Pete Ackers

Thanks . Yes I am looking for a forexbroker for both charting and trading on NY close. Axi is my first choice for the moment. If anybodey else has another good broker to recomend, please do.

I know this thread is a bit old

Do you have an updated list


any other in mind?

thx a lot