Broker with unlimited free account

Hi everyone,
do you know any broker that allows time-unlimited (and of course realistic) demo account?

Oanda has always done so.

if ur looking for mt4, try fxopen.

Hi Guys…
I you go in deep study of the news then only you can be successful in trading but it is very tough. but there is a way i found know as “automated trading”.some highly qualified Forex professionals trade your financial assets.It worked For me. All you need to keep your eyes open and just watch!. I made good money.
Tucson Apartments

scalping and trading the news is very difficult, u need a decent ecn broker to be able to do it, such as fxopen/mbt.

yep oanda’’’’"

i’m using oanda with metatrader…it seems great! however, any new suggestion is warmly welcome!

when i look for some new broker - i go to earnforex or check forexpeacearmy (as others.) - look there, maybe you will found some.

At UWCfx you can create as many demo accounts as you wish and keep them for as loon as you want! I would recommend checking this broker as there is plenty to come yet! as reading on their main site and some press release; Mayzus the future of United Word Capital
