Brokers for Price action

OK , So its time for me to start live, been looking around at a few brokers.

I am based in the UK and will be price action trading so I will need the New york close charts.

I’ve been looking at people like Pepperstone, FXCM new servers, FX Pro but of course when you search the internet you mainly only see poor reviews as the satisfied never really post anything nice

Wondered if I could get any reviews from those on here that use these brokers at the moment.

Any help is appreciated , thanks

Someone ? lol :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=“WLSTR;620616”]Someone ? lol :)[/QUOTE]

Hey there,

This question is one of those which is discussed ad nauseum on mostly all FX Forums.
Try popping in the name of a few brokers in the SEARCH tool.

Pull up an advanced search too to really narrow down your results. You’ll find much more worthy and valuable material seeking it out on your own, rather than waiting for someone to deliver it to you around here.

Unless you have a very specific situation/question, I’d recommend scouring the forums.
If at anytime something is confusing, take note of it.
Consolidate your thoughts, than post it all down with specifics.


Good luck out there,

you question is a bit wierd, all brokers have price action, price moves, thats price action. if you didn’t know that I suggest you study a bit more before you trade live. by the brokers you listed I would say Pepperstone is the best choice because I think that when you mention price action you are thinking about some sort of fast scalping, I might be wrong. Pepperstone have great spreads wich is good for fast scalps and they are regulated