Buy/Sell how it works?

I’m new to the forum so this might have been explained before

I understand how forex works. What I don’t understand is this: Let’s say my account currency is EUR, and I want to trade the EUR/US pair. Now, what happens when I click buy? How is it possible to buy the euro when the account currency is in EUR. And vice versa, how can you sell the EUR if the account currency is US?


if price go tu up. . so you click buy. . and if price go down you click sell. . for profit at trading. .
for signal open new order, you can use indicator. .

Hi Macedonian

Remember that you are not actually buying physical currencies, but rather a “contract” to buy or sell a specified currency. This is why you can buy euros / dollars etc regardless of the currency in which your account is designated.

Hope that helps :smiley: