$/CAD headed higher on fundamentals

  1. CAD oil comes from expensive sources like shale, and the break-even production cost I�ve read is nearly $80/bbl. They won�t be able to compete with the lower cost producers. In addition, Obama�s LCFS policy will make tar sands oil unsaleable in the US. Lastly- a loss of $200B in planned Alberta energy investments will destroy more jobs.

  2. Other exports
    a) Ontario auto parts is 18% of all CAD exports. That�s probably not doing so well
    b) BC wood products. with the housing boom over, demand is way off

  3. For the first time in over 20 years, their gov will be running a deficit. up until now, CAD has been a dual surplus (budget balance and current acct balance) country. it might very well become (albeit slightly) a dual deficit country.

  4. Unemployment now at a 4 year high- 7.2%

  5. lastly, compared to the other comdoll, AUD, CAD has much higher unemployment (7.2% vs 4.5%), and much lower GDP growth (0.5% vs 1.9%) and much lower central bank rate (1% vs 3.25%). so in the event of a resurgence in risk, CAD should not recover as fast or far as AUD