.01 divided by exchange rate = pip value
.01 / 119.80 = 0.0000834
My result for this is 8.3472454090150250417362270450751e-5
I am using windows calculator in standard mode (nothing fancy).
This happens with all the examples so I know I must be doing something wrong, but on something so simple as .01 divided by 119.80 how much can really be done wrong?
I decided to try a different calculator (cell phone) and now I am getting the same as babypips gets.
When I do that we come to the same conclusion, however I am trying to follow along side by side with the examples to help me better understand the system.
My question is really why would this work step by step with a normal calculator and yet windows calculator goes wildly left like that.
Math is a universal constant, 1 plus 1 should ALWAYS equal 2 no matter on what machine its being done on and yet windows calculator gives that result.