Can any body recommend me books to read for candlestick patterns...?

Anybody please help me with this…

10 esstientals of forex by Jared Martinez has a good section on it

Hey thanks dear, can I get this online to read somewhere…

you should ask mario singh for this.


I bought a book called Naked Forex by Alex Nekritin and Walter Peters which outlines a few solid price action techniques using candlesticks. Its very readable

I also bought the “original text” on candlesticks by Steve Nison—Japanese Candlestick Charting (but fell asleep reading it)

So many resources online. I suggest you start there and go book once you know exactly the depth you want to delve into.

Try something from the classics: “Technical analysis of stock trends” by Robert Edwards and John Magee

Japanese candlestick Charting Techniques by Steve Nison. He was very much responsible for bringing these techniques to the West and the book is excellent and very readable. After a brief introduction and history the book is broken up in to sections such as: Reversal patterns, Continuation patterns and chapters on using Candles with moving averages, oscillators etc. Highly Recommended.