Can bitcoin really go down to ZERO?

This article has been making its rounds in my feed. I feel like everyone’s talking about it. This vs. “NO. It will go up to $20,000!”

And what’s your prediction?

One of the insidious algorythms of “google” and “Facebook” or the like is that the “Cookies” they put on your machine report back to them things you have previously looked at and drives you to more and more “of the same” - I mysellf do not see much about “Bitcoin” because I have only a passing interest in watching a repeat of “the Tulip bubble” whilst people with a vested interest insist on giving convoluted “reasons” why "This time it’s different " !

If you use Firefox as a browser with privacy “On” and “duck duck go” as a search engine, you get a much better chance of seeing the world as it IS ! as opposed to "What (they think ) you would like it to be ! :slight_smile:

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I think it’ll be roughly the same as where it is now. I just don’t see any catalyst that can drive the price to what people are saying - whether $0 or $20k.

I saw this on my Twitter feed and that is because I follow a lot of crypto folks so that is the reason why this is what I was seeing. Otherwise though, I don’t think I’d have seen it!

Good on you for using duck duck go! Is that your default browser?

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Sorry - I don’t even look at “twits”

Duck duck go is a search engine, - the only one which claims to "Not record your searches " :relaxed:

Firefox with “Privacy” is the best mainstream browser I have found so far ! :sunglasses:

Ah yes I meant search engine not browser! Haha sorry about that! @Falstaff

Have you heard of Brave?