Can i make 50$ a day?

And again you are trying to manage risk with leverage. It is not done that way. YOU are the one that is thick. Only an idiot would think that having low leverage is good because the margin call would leave you with more money in your account. Who the hell manages stops with margin calls?

I guess you really can’t read…

[U]Nowhere in any of my posts did I say anything about risk % and MM, I was just simply stating the difference between leverage. [/U]

You also either left out, or don’t understand, is that if you have very low leverage on your account, you will get margin called much sooner because you have to have more money in your account to cover even small lot sizes. You’ve effectively hamstringed yourself. You haven’t risked less simply because you used low leverage.

This is also not true if you have a properly funded account. Most traders fail cause they are undercapitolised…

So yes there is one thick ignorant person here, but its not me mate

Your last post tried to make the point that if you went to margin call on higher leverage you would have less left in your account. That is managing risk (your potential loss) with leverage. You can’t change your argument after you made it. Just admit that don’t know what you are talking about and STFU!

P.S. I am not your mate, buddy, pal or friend.

oh you really are an idiot… go play with your micro account…

P.S. I am not your mate, buddy, pal or friend.

Wow, what are you 6 years old?? real mature… and thanks for that you made my day:rolleyes:

Most traders don’t fail because they are undercapitolized, that is just a small part of it. You can take a 1% risk on a 10.00 micro account if you want. Most fail because they think they know what they are doing when they dont…like you.

Come back and discuss trading, when you actually know what you are talking about and have traded at least a little live. Way to parrot what the baby pips school says. Great school, not always right.

I’m glad you find humour in your idiocy. You must be perpetually amused by yourself.

P.S. I find someone arguing with me rudely and calling me names and then calling me mate very backhanded. If you don’t have the balls to issue a real insult then don’t bother.

P.P.S. better hope I’m not 6, that would mean a 6 year old just schooled you on leverage.

wow, schooled me did you, are you sure about that?

I find someone arguing with me rudely and calling me names and then calling me mate very backhanded. If you don’t have the balls to issue a real insult then don’t bother.

oh was I rude?? not really, I was just making fun of your ability to miss the enitre point… which you still have. And if you don’t want people to argue rudly with you, then you shouldn’t start off by calling them a moron…

People like you, posting here on a rookie board, thinking that they know everything about trading, when really your just a nub, is one of the reasons i dont post here to often

Your obviously dumber than i originally thought… mate

I called you a moron, after I had already posted an answer to your silly question twice and you still didn’t understand, and insisted you were correct when you clearly were not.

I give people the same amount of respect they give me.

I never said I know everything about trading, I’m pretty sure I and most of the people here know more than you ever will.

The real reason you don’t post here is because you can’t handle it when someone points out that you are wrong and then you attack them.

Most traders don’t fail because they are undercapitolized, that is just a small part of it. You can take a 1% risk on a 10.00 micro account if you want. Most fail because they think they know what they are doing when they dont…like you.

[I]Well you are about 100% wrong on that one, most fail cause they are under capitolised and then when they do make mistakes, thier account is not able to handle it.[/I]

Come back and discuss trading, when you actually know what you are talking about and have traded at least a little live. Way to parrot what the baby pips school says. Great school, not always right.

[I]Ah, so you know how large my account is and how long I’ve been trading… thats amazing… I scalped a trade larger than your lil 3k account this morning in less than 5 minutes, and as far as your arrogance claiming how great your account growth has been, well i’m not at all impresssed.[/I]

So when you grow up, then we can discuss trading…
Cheers Mate

Well now you’ve just made it painfully obvious that not only don’t you understand leverage, but you also don’t understand risk managment.

Wether a trader has $3,000,000 account or a $300 they can still decide to risk only 1% of their account. So, the only way, “undercapitolization,” will make them fail is if they don’t understand risk managment and the proper use of leverage…which you don’t, have fun loosing your imaginary account.

I seriously doubt you have ever traded live, much less ran a demo more than a couple of days.

You are seriously like talking to a brick…

You have made it painfully obvious that you dont understand the danger of high leverage… and you dont know how to read very well…

I understand risk very well mate…

When I’m spending those imaginary dollars, you can bet I’ll be smiling… Oh damn, i have an imaginary +845 pips on my EUR/USD trade…

Grow up Mate

LOL…sure you do. I know I waste time on the forums when I’m in the middle of a trade…

O no I feel so hurt you told me to grow up. Great argument against someone who doesn’t agree with you.

Send me a post card from the the La La land where you manage your risk with leverage, your stops with margin calls and make +845 pips in one trade.

LOL…sure you do. I know I waste time on the forums when I’m in the middle of a trade…
Let me guess you sit and stare at your screen, biting your nails when you put a trade on… LOL

Sure newbie… in case you didn’t know, the US session been closed for a few of hours now, and asia doesnt start for another hour… but an experienced trader would know that already…

Hmm, how many breakouts happen when no major trading centres are open?? This is sometimes called the “dead” zone…

You can take your foot out of your mouth now… haha

845 pips isn’t all that much, I waiting for it to hit 140.00 before i close it( thats another 300+ north)… and I’m holding longs on the GBP/JPY since 127.43…

There are many ways to trade mate…

Take it easy CD,

Anyway he’s not going to answer your question but just beat around the bush. Simply because he can’t

No point talking to him animals in cages in zoos have more common sense.

Your best chance of getting him to understand anything is to get the head nurse/ matron at his mental hospital to explain what you want him to understand.

Even though they’re trained to interact with people like him I doubt even they would succeed.

So just relax calm down, its not your fault

Sorry, didn’t put my foot in my mouth. I get up to trade in wee hours of the morning.

Wow you know when the markets open and close…you must be trading guru…o wait you just went and read the babypips school like everyone else.

Ya, first you say you just a scalpd a trade bigger than my account, then you say you just finished a trade for +845 pips. Sure… did you do a scalp for +845 pips…you master trader you, o wait that would make you a MARKET WIZARD.

LOL…trying to trade breakouts? …now I know for sure you don’t know what you are doing.

P.S. no I don’t worry about my trades and bite my nails. I pre define and accept the risk of every trade. If I can’t accept the risk I either don’t take the trade or lower my risk.

I not only answered his question, but did it three times.

Totally agree

Ya, first you say you just a scalpd a trade bigger than my account, then you say you just finished a trade for +845 pips. Sure… did you do a scalp for +845 pips…you master trader you, o wait that would make you a MARKET WIZARD.

LOL…trying to trade breakouts? …now I know for sure you don’t know what you are doing.

Are we both speaking english here??..LOL… I placed my E/U trade on the 12th of March(oh and its still open, like i said looking for 1.4000). My G/J longs on Feb 12 (still open, looking for 147.00)… now thats a coincidence…

I scalped G/J this morning for $2745.16 so not quite $3k… My bad…

You seem to make alot of assumptions… and again don’t read very well… LOL

Yes i know when the markets open & close and I also dont worry about a trade once I’ve placed it. When I am trading I do waste alot of time in forums, as theres not alot else to do…

I don’t trade break outs… but from your comment of being in a middle of a trade and wasting time in a forum, i just meant that I’m confident that not a whole lot is going to happen… which clearly you didn’t get(not surprizing).

I guess since I’m not a Magical Market wizard like you, and just a noob, I feel I should be watching my short term trades.

I guess since I’m not a Magical Market wizard like you, and just a noob, I feel I should be watching my short term trades.

I’m not a magical market wizard, what I know I owe to a few traders who are no longer here, and a couple other places… forums, wasting time you would say… lol… I have my wins and losses same as everyone else

But at least I was gracious enough to learn from them, and accept what they said…

One day you’ll learn how to make your short term trade into a long term trade, and then your account will see the difference

cheers mate

I’m well aware there is far more money in trading longer term. My account is not large enough to weather the drawdowns of longer term trading yet, and still be within a reasonable risk %, while at the same time making a decent return.

I’m plenty gracious and even nice to people, I act towards people how they act towards me. So, don’t act as if you came in here discussing things on in a nice pleasant way and I attacked you for no reason.