Can i make 50$ a day?

And a correct one too.
And I shall persist in maintaining it!! :mad:

So get lost!! :mad: :mad:

To [B]Akeakamai [/B]and [B]The Phoenix.[/B]

Since your discussion is philosophical, you two would be much better off discussing this matter amongst yourselves and leaving this latest alias right out of it.
Just ignore his rantings and ravings.

He is not to be trusted for anything.

P.S. Honestly I never liked mp6140. I hate when people try to teach and then act all melodramatic and beat around the bush. The, “you have to learn to see it,” thing and all that other zen nonsense. If you can’t give direct answers to direct question then don’t answer at all. Frankly I’m glad he was banned.

You are sooooooooooooooo… right!! :slight_smile:

Direct questions do indeed deserve a direct answer - I know that as a teacher.
I am now waiting for his thread at FF to colapse in a heap!! :smiley:

He is another Don Steinitz!! :smiley:

Your accusation is baseless. How do you know ? Are you a moderator ? Can you even see my IP ? Say whatever you want. I am not mp6140. I am surprised that you continue to pin this false identity on me, because based on your many posts you have been a helpful person. It’s pretty sad.

Sleekfx is not mp6140…its pretty obvious!

Mr. Tyman with no disrespect meant to you, but I find that amazing coming from a former school teacher and a man of your age.

You are the first school teacher I’ve seen who voluntarily/willfully wishes someone else harm.

All my teachers in school and college only encouraged us and had good wishes thoughts and hopes for everyone. If a school teacher and a man of your age and maturity publicly speaks ill of and wishes harm come to someone else who has done him no wrong what kind of message is that sending out to the rest of us.

What is Oanda? I haven’t heard of it but I think it would be good practice so I am not losing big money. I have set aside a decent some to start trading with but wouldn’t like to lose it right away.

They are a broker,

You’ll find them easy enough with google, and they offer a demo etc.

is possible to make something like 50$/day with a 6000$ deposit whitout risking too much ?
i started to document myself about forex and so far most of what i read is that it’s very difficult to make money of it, is this true ? is it really difficult to even earn make some dollars ? (50$/day for a 6000$ deposit)

That makes a ton of sense I just started an acct with oanda with $100I’m just getting the feel for it it’s a lot different trading a demo acct than a live acct I wanted to take it seriously so that’s why I opened a live acct

No any fix figure sure the profit of $50 but you should have more than 100 times big amount in your account for which you are planning to make profits. Just with $100 or $200 you will put yourself in great risk and danger. When your practice over demo is perfect you can choose right time and move for trading then you will fell less scared.