Can Someone tell me about FXCM; what do you like about it

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hello, I am also trading with FXCM. So far i dont have any negative experiences, maybe several negative slippages but it happens with virtually almost all brokers (especially bigger ones)

If your trading technique always chase more than 20 pips i dont think it will affect you very much but if you like to close position every 5-6 pips it might affect you

Spread is a bit big but thats because Im in NDD account.

You are correct that it’s wise to use more than one broker. Im currently use 2 brokers and plan to add several more once i make more profits

Hi Jonelito,

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

With FXCM, your transaction cost for placing a trade is the bid-ask spread. We charge no commission on top of that spread. For example. If you saw a spread of 1.5 pips on EUR/USD and bought 1000 Euros, it would cost you 15 cents in spread cost to open this trade. At FXCM, the spreads you have access to are determined by the forex execution you choose. FXCM offers two types of forex execution, No Dealing Desk (NDD) execution and dealing desk execution.

We recommend NDD execution to our clients because it provides our best all around trading experience. Dealing desk execution provides lower spreads on 12 of FXCM’s most popular currency pairs, but it includes trading restrictions. Here’s a link to a comparison table to help you determine which forex execution is best for you.

Feel free to hit me up anytime with questions in the Broker Aid Station.


Hi Rsg10z,

I’m glad to hear of your positive experience trading with FXCM.

As you mentioned, slippage is possible regardless of where you trade. However, it is possible to receive positive slippage as well as negative slippage. Positive slippage is when you experience price improvement on your order.

The stats above show that FXCM clients experience price improvements on their orders just as frequently as negative slippage. If that has not been your experience so far, here are some tips to help you minimize negative slippage, while maximizing the change of receiving price improvements.

[B]How to Minimize Negative Slippage[/B] - USE MARKET RANGE ORDER TYPES

When trading with market orders, FXCM recommends setting the order type to “market range,” to avoid potentially receiving negative slippage. A market range order type allows you to control the amount of slippage your order can receive when it executes allowing for price certainty (see image below).

A market range of “X” pips assures that all or part of your order will be filled within a “X” pip range of the current market price (“X” pips above or “X” pips below) if liquidity is available.

[B]How To Maximize Price Improvements[/B] - USE LIMIT AND LIMIT ENTRY ORDERS

Limit orders are pending orders to buy below the current market price or to sell above the current market price. Limit orders to open a new position are called limit entry orders, and limit orders to close an existing position are called take profit orders. When limit orders are triggered they can only be filled if the best available price is equal to or better than the limit order price. That means positive slippage is possible on limit orders but not negative slippage. An important detail to note is that since a limit order to buy (sell) is triggered when momentum is taking the price lower (higher), the likelihood of receiving positive slippage is greater than for a stop order.

Stop orders are pending orders to buy above the current market price or to sell below the current market price. Stop orders to open a new position are called stop entry orders, and stop orders to close an existing position are called stop loss orders. When stop orders are triggered they become market orders that will execute at the best available price. An important detail to note is that since a stop order to buy (sell) is triggered when momentum is taking the price higher (lower), the likelihood of receiving negative slippage is greater than for a limit order.

To recap, FXCM clients are just as likely to receive price improvements as they are to encounter negative slippage. The best way for you to minimize negative slippage and maximize price improvements on your own trading is to use limit orders and the Market Range feature on market orders. Please let me know if you have any further questions about this.

Good trading!


They have lot of webinars, live and archived. I love that. The guys at FXCM are [B]extremely[/B] good. They give important news live! That’s great.
I like the trading station but it needs to improve. I wish it have more arrows and editing tools for my analysis. I also wish I could open a second marketscope.
The backtesting is awful, terrible, I hate it. I wish they have more people working on indicators and automatic strategies.
I also wish they have the social trading stuff that etoro have. So that you can compare yourself with other traders of the same broker.
For a newbie is a great broker, lot of videos to learn from. At he beginning they did not have those webinars, but I’ve seen how they developed them and let me tell you they did a great job. At the beginning I use them a along with babypips. Helped me a lot.

I haven’t used them yet but I know they are associated with NYSE and not a lot of organization can easily have that.

Thank you for your feedback. It would be great if you could specify what exactly you don’t like. I will forward it to the developers and it will greatly help to improve the product.

Natalya thank you for your support. This week I received a survey from FXCM. It ask about everything I love, like and hate. I gave all my feedback in the survey. I think it was a great tool since it cover almost every topic there is about trading.